PSC-USB applications

What I need to be able to do is to create commands in Visual Basic to playback individual scripts from the PC. Apparently there is no way I can find to us PSCI.exe and pass it a filename and a play command.
I also read in the manual:
"Once the sequence has been written, debugged, and honed to work as desired, one may wish to not be limited to having a PC execute the sequence. If this is the case, the download button is for you. By clicking the download button, you invoke the PSCI to send its commands, delays included, to the BASIC Stamp® instead of the PSCusb.
This is achieved with an augmented header that the PSCusb ignores thereby passing these serial messages to the stamp. The stamp is connected via a three pin cable to the PSCusb. Once downloaded, the stamp executes your sequences just as the PSCI software did.
Though the download button functions, the stamp program has not been written at this time to receive, store, and parse the data. Fear not, we will be posting that program to our website very soon."
So, has this software been created? I looked all over for it without any luck. I really want to control everything from the laptop (Windows XP).
As background here is what I am trying to do. I am using a CMUcam2 and SRF08 as sensor inputs to a system that "reacts" to the tracking and distance information and plays scripts through the PSC-USB to control servos. There are a large number of servo scripts (at least 32) for different senor inputs so I figured I'd use the laptop rather than a Basic Stamp modlue to control the whole thing. Problem is, I can't figure out how to invoke the PSC to run a script (or series of scripts) determined by the sensor inputs. I figured I'd do the through Visual Basic getting the sensor inputs, selecting the script(s) and invoking PSCI.exe.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can close this loop? (sorry for the pun