Personal Radio
My sister bought me a little personal radio that you carry around with you, but it doesn't work well moving, and that is what I want it to work well doing.· I am not sure what to ask, except can I do anything to improve reception?· I have no tools right now, but I can get them, and I haven't opened it up yet.· (worried I'll break it)
Go buy one to hack!
I'd imagine they don't have much of an antenna in them and that it's a small wire antenna that is bouncing about and cutting out on you while you're moving.
You could secure the wire antenna (if that is what you have) to prevent it from bouncing...or you could bring the wire antenna to the outside of the unit (now you have to be sure to not make it look like a home made bomb or something with wires hanging out).
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."