Direction finding with a compass(CMPS03)
Uh...At first,English is not my nature tongue.
So I am sorry for my poor vocabulary ,grammers,and punctution.
My Question is I have no idea how to find direction with a compass,even I can enable compass module. Beacasu the value(heading angle)from compass is not one I can control, I can't use it to write an avoiding wall loop. Or maybe I'm only a lousy programmer .
But I really need some help now.
My project is just a roaming boe-bot with avoiding ability..sigh.
Thanks your watching, any opinions will be grateful.

My Question is I have no idea how to find direction with a compass,even I can enable compass module. Beacasu the value(heading angle)from compass is not one I can control, I can't use it to write an avoiding wall loop. Or maybe I'm only a lousy programmer .
But I really need some help now.
My project is just a roaming boe-bot with avoiding ability..sigh.
Thanks your watching, any opinions will be grateful.

This article does not have Boe-Bot code per se, but it does show how to read direction from the CMPS-01, maybe it will help.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Here is a link to the Compass Sensor that Parallax sells, and there is sample code near the bottom of the web page that can be downloaded:
That should give you a basic idea of how the Parallax unit works. It offers 128 points of reference in a serial format which can be input to any PBASIC Stamp by using the SERIN command.
BTW - Your English is fine!
Bruce Bates
But my question is I dont know how to use the angle I read from compass. I mean how to use the signal (e.g. degree=217.5) to make my boe-bot find out its direction
(Somthing about robot's avoiding path or original path..bahbah etc.) .
I find a document about position robot. [noparse][[/noparse]96Ver.] "Where am I?Sensors and Methods for Mobile Robot Positioning",University of Michigan
But the Document doesn't profit our small boe-bot.
I want to discuss with how to make use of the signals just like IR signals.
In brief,I can use IR signals to avoiding obstacles but apperantly they are not enough for a boe-bot runing routine or escaping
My last sentense make my roommate laugh because he can do these just using 4 IR headlight.
I have already known how to enable(start) the compass using I2C bus.
Post Edited (alicer) : 9/29/2005 6:46:07 PM GMT