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trouble with 9 bit math; controlling overflow — Parallax Forums

trouble with 9 bit math; controlling overflow

nick bernardnick bernard Posts: 329
edited 2005-09-29 13:25 in General Discussion
the project:
in a continous rotation drive one encoder returns command (where do i want the drive to point), another returns feedback (where the drive is pointing). the controller compares the 2 encoders w/ a simple algorithm and turns the drive so that the feedback matches the control.

the algorithm:
if command = feedback then dont move
if command - feedback < feedback - command then turn clockwise
if command - feedback > feedback - command then turn counterclockwise

the trouble:
the encoders have 512 bits of resolution, to simplify the project i ignored the lsb and voila. the algorithm applies directly to the sx because the byte sized variable wraps around itself. that is
1 - 255 = 2
255 - 1 = 254
so go clockwise.

but i think i can do better! i can do this with 9 bits.... ok i cant because i'm stuck on this snippet
; btw testcw = cmd
mov w, feedback0 ; testcw = cmd - fbk
sub testcw0, w
mov w, feedback1
movsz w, ++feedback1
sub testcw1, w

the result is true 16bit and wraps around 65535, but i need it to wrap around 511. my previous sub wrapping script would dec the variable in a loop and detect for overflow. but thats way to slow.

does anyone have any experiance with this?
any help would be well received.

i attached 2 files,
apec256 is the working 8b program and is well commented
apec512 is the partial program in question and is poorly commented

future thanks for your generous reply

engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]


  • nick bernardnick bernard Posts: 329
    edited 2005-09-28 19:03
    to fix test for an overflow condition, on overflow add "wrap around value" to result

    cjb value1, result1, r9_no_overflow ; if v > r then overflow
    cjb value0, result0, r9_no_overflow
    ; on overflow r = r + 512 - v
    or result1, #$02 ; r = r + 512
    mov w, value0 ; r = r - v
    sub result0, w
    mov w, value1
    movsz w, ++value1
    sub result1, w

    edit - that doesnt work the conditional jumps fail. try,
    cja xvalue1, xresult1, r9_overflow ; if v > r then overflow
    cjb xvalue1, xresult1, r9_no_overflow ; if v > r then overflow
    cja xvalue0, xresult0, r9_overflow
    jmp r9_no_overflow
    r9_overflow ; on overflow r = r + 512 - v
    or xresult1, #$02 ; r = r + 512
    mov w, xvalue0 ; r = r - v
    sub xresult0, w
    mov w, xvalue1
    movsz w, ++xvalue1
    sub xresult1, w

    engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]

    Post Edited (nick bernard) : 9/28/2005 7:55:35 PM GMT
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2005-09-29 03:42
    I'm not sure if I understand the intent, but if you mask off the 7 high bits of the high byte (AND #%00000001), then the 65535 rollover value will be the 511 rollover value I think you want.

    Tracy Allen
  • nick bernardnick bernard Posts: 329
    edited 2005-09-29 13:25
    i tried to explain it well. i really didnt think this was so complex untill this little proof

    my algorithm goes like so
    if valHi > valLo then
    result_cw = valHi - valLo
    result_ccw = 512 - (valHi - valLo) = 512 + valLo - valHi

    yours states mask = $01
    result_cw = valHi - valLo
    result_ccw = valLo - valHi // 512 = [noparse][[/noparse]calculator] ((65536 + valLo - valHi) / 512 - 127) * 512
    66536 + valLo - valHi - 65024 = 512 + valLo - valHi
    512 == 512 *SUCCESS*

    so you can also div by the wrap around value to do circular arithmatic! i honestly did not think it was that simple
    many thanks tracy

    engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]

    Post Edited (nick bernard) : 9/29/2005 2:04:13 PM GMT
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