BS1c programming interface?

Hi all -
How do I interface this:

with the stamp editor?
I am bidding on it on ebay. Thought it would be fun to add to my collection and play with it.
I found the serial adapter:

but I don't see how it hooks up.
Where does it connect?
Post Edited (doggiedoc) : 9/27/2005 9:04:28 PM GMT
How do I interface this:

with the stamp editor?
I am bidding on it on ebay. Thought it would be fun to add to my collection and play with it.
I found the serial adapter:

but I don't see how it hooks up.
Where does it connect?
Post Edited (doggiedoc) : 9/27/2005 9:04:28 PM GMT
·· Basically the pin with the >> next to it is Vss, the middle pin·connects to PCO and the last pin connects to PCI. ·See the schematic on the following·page for some help.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
problem solved! (Assuming I am the high bidder.)
For anybody that wants to get into Stamp programming fairly cheaply, and knows something about electronics, this is a pretty good way.
The connections are not too hard to figure out from the .pdf files you can download.
You do need to be able to do all the wiring yourself, including a regulated power supply, so I guess it's not for beginners.
The hardest part for me has been figuring out all the programming differences between the BS1 and BS2. I've been going through the Stampworks book and trying to convert some of the experiments to the BS1, but I didn't know all that much about the BS2 to begin with, so it's not been easy (copy and paste code doesn't work!) It's been fun though, which the only reason I mess with this stuff [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax