Question about getting more current from the Pololu Motor Controller
It appears to me that the output of a motor controller with a low current H-bridge such as the Pololu Micro Dual Serial Motor Controller· Stock#:·30052···
could be connected directly to the input of a higher current H-Bridge.
Is there something that I am overlooking?
For·example,·one of the Pololu motor outputs could be·connected to the input of the bridge described on·the Bob Blick site. The Bob Blick site has a page describing a "100 watt or 5 amp or 40 volt H-Bridge".
The blue and green lines·between the circuits are·the connections I am proposing.

Post Edited (Russ) : 9/26/2005 4:11:33 AM GMT
could be connected directly to the input of a higher current H-Bridge.
Is there something that I am overlooking?
For·example,·one of the Pololu motor outputs could be·connected to the input of the bridge described on·the Bob Blick site. The Bob Blick site has a page describing a "100 watt or 5 amp or 40 volt H-Bridge".
The blue and green lines·between the circuits are·the connections I am proposing.
Post Edited (Russ) : 9/26/2005 4:11:33 AM GMT
What you are describing is essentially what I have done with a "servo" modification on this link...
...I would consider the Opto-isolator method simply because it automatically takes care of potential problems
such as ground loops, and a h-bridge melt down condition. ( i.e. both input pins to the H-bridge high )
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Thank you for pointing out the other thread. This is exactly what I was hoping to do (with the Pololu).