UPDATE: My Bipedal robot...
Hello All...
············· here is my finished bipedal robot. it stands 27" tall with now 27 High torque servos, it is controlled with a Mini Atom Bit Board with a basicstamp 2E chip, also a SSC-32 servo controller. it has a IRPD sensor in it's chest plate, a wireless color cam with audio in it's head, total D.O.F 46 -> 2 D.O.F. in it's head, 4 D.O.F in it's chest & waist, 10 D.O.F in each arm, 10 D.O.F in each leg. this robot took me 6 months to build & 1 month to program. it is also controlable with a wireless ps2 controller.
············· if you want to know more about this robot you can email me, if i do not reply to anyone reply posted on here, please email me to let me know you left a reply here, i don't check it to often.
············ my email address is: robonetics@hvc.rr.com ,besure to put " reply to bipedal robot" in subject line, so i can be sure to read your email, other wise it might get deleted.
thank you..
············· here is my finished bipedal robot. it stands 27" tall with now 27 High torque servos, it is controlled with a Mini Atom Bit Board with a basicstamp 2E chip, also a SSC-32 servo controller. it has a IRPD sensor in it's chest plate, a wireless color cam with audio in it's head, total D.O.F 46 -> 2 D.O.F. in it's head, 4 D.O.F in it's chest & waist, 10 D.O.F in each arm, 10 D.O.F in each leg. this robot took me 6 months to build & 1 month to program. it is also controlable with a wireless ps2 controller.
············· if you want to know more about this robot you can email me, if i do not reply to anyone reply posted on here, please email me to let me know you left a reply here, i don't check it to often.
············ my email address is: robonetics@hvc.rr.com ,besure to put " reply to bipedal robot" in subject line, so i can be sure to read your email, other wise it might get deleted.
thank you..
Keep up the great work! I wish I could make something like that.
anyone can do this, all it take is the determination to do it·alone with alot of time & money, but any one can do it. i notice that alot of people i chatting to with emails say the same thing, i wish i can do that. the funny thing is, that you can.
sit down draw up a basic design, do research for parts & robotic movement talk,chat email other people & learn from them, get pointers etc. then before you know it you will have your very own robot. or you can goto ebay & type in humanoid robot in the search & buy that one. i am selling it now to get extra cash to build another one" bigger ". i am selling it cheaper then the khr-1 plus you get everything you see. nothing else you would need to buy as you would for the khr-1.
well again thank you for the priase.
charlie aka robonetics