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BS2 and parallel LCD source code — Parallax Forums

BS2 and parallel LCD source code

JacekJacek Posts: 2
edited 2005-09-23 19:05 in BASIC Stamp
couple days ago I searched for source code which would work with Basic Stamp 2 and (2x16)LCD in parallel mode
I have LCD based on Hitachi HD44780.

Here what I found and might be helpful for you.
nice link which helped me to make it work :

and here is sample of the source code which I wrote to display
TEST - in line 1
LCD - in line 2

' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
'· parallel LCD control from BS2
'P0-P6 of BS2 corresponds to DB0-DB7 of LCD I/O bus lines
'P8 of BS2 is my RS line from LCD
'P9 of· BS2 is E line from LCD
'R/W line from LCD is grounded

char VAR Byte
index VAR Nib
DIRL = %11111111 ' p7,p6,p5... p0· Outputs
DIRH = %00000011 ' p9,p9 Outputs
OUTH = %00000000 'clear ports 8-15
OUTL = %00000000 'clear ports 0-7
MSG1 DATA $54,$45,$53,$54 'TEST
MSG2 DATA $4c,$43,$44···· 'LCD
·LCDinit:········ PAUSE 200····· ' Wait for LCD init
················ char=%00111000 ' Set 8-bit mode (1)
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ PAUSE 5
················ char=%00111000 ' Set 8-bit mode (2)
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ PAUSE 0
················ char=%00111000 ' Set 8-bit mode (3)
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00111000 ' Set 8-bit mode (3)
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················· char=%00001000 ' LCD OFF
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················· char=%0000001 ' LCD CLEAR
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00000110 ' NO SHIFT
················ GOSUB LCDcmd

················ char=%00000010 ' CURSOR AT HOME POSITION
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%00001111 ' Cursor On
················ GOSUB LCDcmd
················ char=%10000000 ' Cursor at LINE 1 , POSITON 1
················ GOSUB LCDcmd

FOR index = 0 TO 3
·················· READ Msg1 + index, char ' get character from memory
·················· GOSUB LCDwr··········· ' write it to the LCD
················ NEXT

char=$c0 ' 2,1 pos
FOR index = 0 TO 2
· READ Msg2 + index, char ' get character from memory
· GOSUB LCDwr··········· ' write it to the LCD
················ NEXT
char=%00001100 ' cursor off,blink off,display on
LCDcmd:·· LOW 8 ' enter command mode
LCDwr:· ' Write ASCII char to LCD
·· OUTL = char· ' output LOW BYTE P0-P7
·· PULSOUT 9, 1 ' output pulse to PORT9
·· HIGH 8······ ' return to character mode


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