Check out Bean's Video Overlay Module demo!
It's too much! He does his overlay on top of a family video taken at the beach! The cool part is, the video is the background! I expected to see some garish one-color rectangle with block-letters occupying some corner of the screen, with the video using up whatever portion was left over.
I was so impressed, I went right out and bought one! I just KNOW I'll think of some use for it!
It's 4 megs, so I hope you got broadband!
A disclaimer: I don't work for Bean, but I do admire his handiwork!
I was so impressed, I went right out and bought one! I just KNOW I'll think of some use for it!
It's 4 megs, so I hope you got broadband!
A disclaimer: I don't work for Bean, but I do admire his handiwork!
The first user of the overlay module is a company that makes those robots that police use to enter hostile environments. I'm hoping to get some demo video from them too. They also make the same type of thing using a helicoper. That would be a cool video. The family video was just something I had handy.
Just goes to show what you can do with the SX a few other componets.
P.S. This should probably be in the SandBox.
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
Product web site:
Available now... SX-Video OSD module $59.95
"I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess"
Red Green
Post Edited (Bean (Hitt Consulting)) : 9/22/2005 11:08:51 AM GMT
I got this 'cause I'm cobbling together a "mobile security station". Right now I have
1. A 1/10 scale RC hummer with 4WD (not too good), and proportional steering and speed control. The square-ish body allows me to attach a number of items, such as
2. Two small RF pinhole cameras. These tykes run off 9V batteries, both of which can go in the 'carrier' well in the body. I have a reciever unit for each. But, if I diddle with the tuning, can pick up either camera, which means I can actually do the job with one reeiver. One camera is color, period; the other is color until it gets too dark, in which case it switches to B&W and turns on 9 IR LEDs for illumination.·I imagine those LEDs will eat batteries. I plan to install a small gel-cell for these, with regulators as needed. For portability in viewing, I use
3. A 5" LCD monitor. This was originally billed as a games viewer to use in cars while on long trips. Eventually I'll get a 12V gel-cell to power this in the field.
This whole shebang is at work right now. I run the vehicle around the halls, trying desperately to avoid bouncing off walls, waste cans·and door jambs. Not too smooth just now. All this is real time, by transmitter control, while watching the monitor.
The plan is to start with using a uprocessor controller·monitoring an array of sensors to track obstacles, go to lights, heat·and sounds, while controlling steering and speed. I don't expect to roar through this part. The eventual hoped for result is a PC-controlled unit that uses RF comms, with audio/visual cuing (read: face and/or voice recognition) to patrol hallways looking for problems. If it doesn't like your face, it calls the cops and the boss, in that order,·while macing you.·It also watches for·smoke, fire, low temperatures, flooding, whatever. The PC talks to your video-overlay board to add relevant data (f'rinstance, time stamp, GPS info, room number, etc.) to·the hummer's·video stream before going to a security VCR, and the occasional picture·sent to some specified email account. All this is already out there, it's just a matter of bringing it all together. And I still haven't decided which processor to use yet. SX? PIC? Rabbit? Suggestions?
When all this is up and working (suuuuurrrre!) I will transfer all the technology to a larger vehicle and enter it·in the DARPA remote-course contest.
OK, who wants to move this to the sand box?
Have you looked at Lithium based batteries, they have for their size a better weight/power ratio than gelcell batteries. I picked up some 2300 ma cells for around $2.50 on Ebay, and 2 of them are great for my HT as backup power, and they are only 1.25 wide x 2.25 tall x .38 thick each... To charge them I put them in series on my Maha charger...If I wanted to, I can hook up to 4 in series, and or multiples in parallel for more run time... They also work great with 2 in series powering my Luxeon Star 1w led for over 5 hours ....