Cadsoft Eagle - My trial run #2
Hello, guys.
I wanted to share with you all my second trial board. This time I used CAPs and Resistors that I had not linked to the library.
Things I learned this time around:
1.) How to resize traces after they have been routed.
2.) Practice drawing silk screen frames around components.
3.) Focused more on circuit design and routing of traces.
4.) Figured out how to use the smash feature. I had to move some overlapping text.
Below ·is the image of that practice board I did
I wanted to share with you all my second trial board. This time I used CAPs and Resistors that I had not linked to the library.
Things I learned this time around:
1.) How to resize traces after they have been routed.
2.) Practice drawing silk screen frames around components.
3.) Focused more on circuit design and routing of traces.
4.) Figured out how to use the smash feature. I had to move some overlapping text.
Below ·is the image of that practice board I did
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 9/21/2005 6:18:15 PM GMT
Im not sure I am correct in this asessment of your board, its hard to verify this without being able to turn layers on an off, I just thought Id give you a heads up since it was a mistake I made.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 9/21/2005 6:28:36 PM GMT
What the heck is a hodgepodge?
I will post a copy of my board so you can flip through the layers if you want. If not, that’s ok also.
If you want, you can check out my .brd file
Oh, and by the way, I am going to be busy the next few days to prepare for this hurricane. I live on the out skirts of Houston Texas and should be ok, but wish me luck. I'm going to make an effort to save the computer and all my electronic stuff and ditch the rest...
Post Edited (RoboROOKIE) : 9/21/2005 8:33:03 PM GMT
n. A mixture of dissimilar ingredients; a jumble.·A motley assortment of things [noparse][[/noparse]syn: odds and ends, oddments, melange, farrago, ragbag, mishmash, mingle-mangle, hotchpotch, omnium-gatherum]
Good luck and God speed with Rita, Im a Florida native and experienced quite a few in my life. You may have noticed my avatar is a hurricane, and my login name is coriolis (the·force·that causes hurricanes to spin in their counter-clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere). I had the nickname Hurricane Paul when I was much younger for my tendancy to leave areas I played·in a disaster.
Last year was difficult on my family (my parents, I am presently located in VA), if you draw the path of Hurricanes Charlie and Frances across Florida, their paths intersect within 10 miles of my parent's home. When I went home for Christmas nearly half of the homes had blue tarpolins covering a portion of the roof, and a good 10% had no roof at all.
I firmly believe that we can expect these Cat 4 and 5 storms to become more of the rule rather than the exception, thanks to global warming's effect on the Gulf's surface temperature. It looks like our only reprise from this will be when the 30 year cycle swings back to fewer hurricanes per year, but that still doesn't effect the intensity of storms that do develop.
PS Ill look over your file when I get home.