Problem Using Pulsar TTS System
I do not have good·luck using the Pulsar TTS paper and Green TRF film despite so many success stories I have read from this forum.
I am using EagleCad to do·my layout drawing. I bought some TTS paper and Green TRF Film from Digikey. I am using a Canon MF5650 Laser Printer set at 600 DPI to print the circuit onto the TTS paper.
The problem I·had is that it is very difficult to iron the print·from TTS paper onto the blank PCB. I had cleaned the PCB surface with 3M Scorchbrite as instructed·in the Pulsar guide·before ironing on the print. I need to put on very high heat on the iron (clothes iron) and press very hard to get the print over. Most of the time, some of the tracks will not stick.·I had moved the iron around the PCB during ironing so that I get even heat and pressure on the paper/PCB but still no luck.
The same goes to the Green TRF film. I had turned down the temperature of the iron a bit before ironing but I get smearing of the Green·stuff out of the tracks.
I had bought a laminator, which is not the brand recommended by Pulsar to do the transfer but I found that the temperature of the laminator is not high enough to do the transfer for both TTS and Green TRF.·I did not get the Pulsar laminator because the laminator is only good for 32 mil·PCB while most·of the PCB available in the market is 64 mil type and is cheap. The 32 mil PCB from Pulsar·is at cut throat price. I can get 20 pcs 64 mil PCB for the price I pay for 1 piece of 32 mil PCB from Pulsar.
Could this problem be from the laser printer toner? Anyone can give me some pointers?
I am using EagleCad to do·my layout drawing. I bought some TTS paper and Green TRF Film from Digikey. I am using a Canon MF5650 Laser Printer set at 600 DPI to print the circuit onto the TTS paper.
The problem I·had is that it is very difficult to iron the print·from TTS paper onto the blank PCB. I had cleaned the PCB surface with 3M Scorchbrite as instructed·in the Pulsar guide·before ironing on the print. I need to put on very high heat on the iron (clothes iron) and press very hard to get the print over. Most of the time, some of the tracks will not stick.·I had moved the iron around the PCB during ironing so that I get even heat and pressure on the paper/PCB but still no luck.
The same goes to the Green TRF film. I had turned down the temperature of the iron a bit before ironing but I get smearing of the Green·stuff out of the tracks.
I had bought a laminator, which is not the brand recommended by Pulsar to do the transfer but I found that the temperature of the laminator is not high enough to do the transfer for both TTS and Green TRF.·I did not get the Pulsar laminator because the laminator is only good for 32 mil·PCB while most·of the PCB available in the market is 64 mil type and is cheap. The 32 mil PCB from Pulsar·is at cut throat price. I can get 20 pcs 64 mil PCB for the price I pay for 1 piece of 32 mil PCB from Pulsar.
Could this problem be from the laser printer toner? Anyone can give me some pointers?
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"I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess"
Red Green
Run the board through the laminator multiple times to get good adhesion. I use 10 passes.
The green film sticks only to toner. It won't stick to itself or bare copper. If it doesn't all stick on the first pass, try a fresh film a second try.
Cleanliness and adequate heat are critical.
How many passes did you run·for each of the following :
1) TTS Paper
2) Green TRF
Which brand and model of laser printer are you using?
Which brand and model of laser printer are you using? I suspect part of my problem is because of the printer toner.
Post Edited (hcwong) : 9/21/2005 9:18:40 PM GMT
I uses scotchbrite and alchol to clean the copper board.
I have an HP 1012 printer.
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"I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess"
Red Green
Here is a group that deals with PCB topics.
Oliver Bailey