Project Help - Alarm Circuit (Years ago in High School)
I remember years ago, back in my junior high school electronics class, a project from a kit... (I wish I could remember the name of the company, but for the life of me, can't.)· Anyway, the project consisted of a black box (approx. 3" x 3" x 5") that sits anywhere you like·and it·has about a 3/8" hole drilled into the top of it.· You would hot glue a coin or dollar bill to a magnet which would fit into the hole of the box, making the coin, bill, etc. look flush to the box.· Directly beneath the hole was some sort of reed switch, I believe, that triggered the·screeching siren·once the object was removed.· The catch though, was that once the object had been removed it couldn't be turned off by simply placing the object back into the hole.... You had to actually replace the object AND short out 2 of the screws on the bottom of the box to turn it off.· (which of course, the unsuspecting person did not know)· It was really neat and helped you find out who is honest and who isn't, when they are in your house.
I am not very good at all at designing circuits.· So if anyone has ever built this circuit or knows where I can find it I would really appreciate it.· I have searched and searched a ton of sites featuring alarms and kits and what-not and haven't found·this certain one as of·yet.· If I remember correctly it wasn't a very difficult circuit at all to build.
Maybe, I'll get lucky and someone here has already done this project!· Thanks!
P.S. This is what this part of the alphabet would look like if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
I am not very good at all at designing circuits.· So if anyone has ever built this circuit or knows where I can find it I would really appreciate it.· I have searched and searched a ton of sites featuring alarms and kits and what-not and haven't found·this certain one as of·yet.· If I remember correctly it wasn't a very difficult circuit at all to build.
Maybe, I'll get lucky and someone here has already done this project!· Thanks!
P.S. This is what this part of the alphabet would look like if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
This type of thing could be done really easily, without the use of any Basic Stamp. Using my limited knowledge, the most convinient way I can think of would be to use a 555 timer. Once the reed switch is tripped it sets off the alarm for some 5 mintues, etc. Then the screws mentioned previously would be connected to the "reset" of the timer.
I think you could get away with using a reed switch, 555 timer, 1 cap, 1 resistor, the enclosure, possibly a 7805 and a 9v battery. You'd want to do some power filtering on the 7805. But I think that's about all that would be needed. Look into the 555 timer.
555 Timer IC
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
································· ·
However,·from looking at it, it looks like it could just be turned off by covering the Photocell again.· How can this circuit be "rearranged"·to keep the alarm going and needing that "short" to turn it off?· Any help would be greatly appreciated.· Sorry, for being slow at this stuff.
P.S. This is what this part of the alphabet would look like if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
Post Edited (Jsjga) : 9/20/2005 8:41:06 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I also like the idea of using relays as well, but I just don't want to involve that much money and parts in this "toy" circuit. I am reading up on the 555 timer as of right now, trying to gather as much as I can. But some of it seems a little over my head as far as electronics goes, only because I am a newbie. Maybe I should've picked a different interest I guess, but programming and electronics have seemed so fascinating to me. So I guess I'll stick with it. I am more of a hands-on designer/fabricator i.e. lasers (steel cutting), break press, welding, designing metal parts, etc. (I am almost finished with my Mechanical Design Engineering degree) When it comes to that kind of stuff I feel exceptionally confident. This stuff..... not so much!
Thanks once again,
P.S. This is what this part of the alphabet would look like if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
Did Google search for SCR alarm circuit and found this site. Check it out.
Jim K
Although the basic concept of this circuit can be made with "non thinking" discrete components,
here is a·solution that uses a BS2 to "gate an SCR",· while also·keeping the theme of using Parallax
products.· When the circuit is "OFF" only 3 nano Amps are consumed. When it is "ON" you have all
the processing power of the BS2 to do with whatever else you wish in your design.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 9/21/2005 2:57:07 PM GMT
P.S. This is what this part of the alphabet would look like if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
I think you would have to use a 556 [noparse][[/noparse]two 555s in one package] - one would be a monostable trigger and the second would be your audio oscillator.
The 555 can be reset by shorting the battery terminals, but I· they also have a reset pin.
I think the SCR would require shorting or removing power.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 9/21/2005 2:36:26 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support