C compiler for the sx?
I have read some info on the message boards about the CCS compiler.· Is it free?· Is it at least inexpensive?· Is there another choice to use c with the sx?· I am learning asm and use sx/b but c is the language that i know the best, and i would love to get my hands on a compiler to use with the sx.
John Gjonola
Post Edited (jgjonola) : 9/20/2005 1:49:43 AM GMT
John Gjonola
Post Edited (jgjonola) : 9/20/2005 1:49:43 AM GMT
About a month ago there was some discussion about some C compilers. Not many solutions, but it was lively! (grin)
John J. Couture
San Diego Miramar College
If you have been following the posts on this issue, you will know my feeling on this subject. While I can't speak for any other compilers, my experience with the CCS compiler has been dreadful. That is in performance as well as support. Albeit, in regard to support I must say that when you phone, there is a very polite and knowlegable person who answers.
Trouble is, for the SX series (their main market appears to be the PIC line) they appear not to be doing any further development work, and it is us users who push them into making repairs. And there are LOTSSSSS of those required. It actually quite awful how bad it is.
Admittedly, they are selling it as a "beta" version, for still the full price. As compensation you get an extended period of support instead of the regular period. Big deal; with THAT many bugs.....clearly they are counting on their customers to find the problems. Even something as simple as a 10 or so instruction "clear ram" function doesn't (or at least didn't) work properly. Sure, when you look at the assembled code, sometimes it's easy to spot the problem, but clearly only the most superficial of testing is done, and they appeared not to fully comprehend the SX architecture; pages and banks etc.
Just now I don't recall the exact price, but I think it was in the several hundred dollar range; great if it worked, but for the performance provided, an absolute rip-off in my opinion.
Save your money, or try something else.
Does anyone else have a higher opinion?
Peter (pjv)