Problems with SX-Key 3.x software and Win XP; SX-key 2.02 works??
Hi all-
I seem to have hit a strange problem with Win XP and the SX-Key 3.x software.· The SX-KEY V3.x software works fine for me with Win Me and the SX-Key V2.02 works fine with Win XP.· However, with the SX-Key 3.0 or 3.1 IDE software, when I try to look at the configuration (with Run | Configuration...) I get one of two behaviors:
1)· If COM1 (only serial port on the PC) is busy, I get a dialog box with a title of "SX-KEY 3.10" and a message of "(X)· List Index out of bounds(0)".· Then the IDE just hangs.
2)· If COM1 is free, the IDE just hangs.
Oddly enough, in most cases the SX-Key V3.x software WILL program the SX-28
chip, via COM1 (but not always).· I would like to change some of the configuration settings -- so I really would like to get to the configuration screen.
Has anyone seen this before?· Any insights or guesses as to what is wrong here?
Any help appreciated.
I seem to have hit a strange problem with Win XP and the SX-Key 3.x software.· The SX-KEY V3.x software works fine for me with Win Me and the SX-Key V2.02 works fine with Win XP.· However, with the SX-Key 3.0 or 3.1 IDE software, when I try to look at the configuration (with Run | Configuration...) I get one of two behaviors:
1)· If COM1 (only serial port on the PC) is busy, I get a dialog box with a title of "SX-KEY 3.10" and a message of "(X)· List Index out of bounds(0)".· Then the IDE just hangs.
2)· If COM1 is free, the IDE just hangs.
Oddly enough, in most cases the SX-Key V3.x software WILL program the SX-28
chip, via COM1 (but not always).· I would like to change some of the configuration settings -- so I really would like to get to the configuration screen.
Has anyone seen this before?· Any insights or guesses as to what is wrong here?
Any help appreciated.
If I recall, the list index out of bounds message is related to how the COM ports on your PC are set up. How may COM ports do you have? What numbers are they? In other words, you might have three COM ports like this:
or they might look like this:
Thanks, PeterM
Thanks to PeterM for the help.· I did find the problem (at least indirectly).·· The problem appears to have been junk or corruption in the Windows Registry for the Parallax SX-Key.
If you are comfortable using regedit (messing with·the "hives" of the Windows Registry), this problem can be fixed by deleting the "SX_KEY" entry and children·from "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ParallaxInc\SX_Key\2.0" .
After this is removed, the SX-Key software can be started and the "first run" messages will appear and the COM port and other configuration settings can be set.· Since I did this, the SK-Key V3.x·software has been "rock solid".
Glad to hear it all worked out. I didn't want to jump into registry editing without first getting some more details, but since you figured out how to make it work on your own, then I don't have to worry. As you discovered, the IDE will generate all necessary keys the first time it starts up. The installation program doesn't need to create anything for it. This makes the IDE pretty self reliant and robust.
Thanks, PeterM