Finally I am ready to try a DAC resistor ladder But...
What is the best way to take a sound sample from sound forge or a wav file and store it as ascii bytes I am using 8 nit and 2 bit files. Maby a free program that converts wav to ascii files?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Sound forge can resize the sample rate to 2000 and bit depth of 8. Looking at a blowup of the data at these rates it looks like a 4 bit dac will do the job (see picture of 1S ms of data) I understand I need to send 4000 voltage signals per second or 4 per mS so I am using my mega48 (4MHz) it has 16 and 8 bit interrupt timers. (the only stamp I have is the BS2 right now but in the learning process it is very handy and it is what got me started from knowing nothing about IC chips)
The resistors I have not figured out yet as the high and low pictures show a low of 15.86 to a high of 554.49 mV (without the 8ohm resistor (speaker simulatior) 0 to 3 volts)
Note* I think a regular speaker has inductance to think about as well but I have not got that far yet)
Then there is the amplifier circuit (I have not got that far yet, Op amps of some sort I would guess will be used and that I will need some help on, but I am still going to give my brain a few days to absorb the reading I have done on them.)
So using 4 bit DAC I can get 16 voltage levels from 0 to 3 volts
Note* (the 15.86 to 554.49 shown in the pictures and stated above is with an 8 ohm speaker attached as a simulation, as I dont have a amplifier figured out yet)
Now I guess the signals below the 0 line are actually negative voltages. Today I start the journy of how to do that. I could use some pointers in that respect. So I would gess I would be working with 7 negative and 8 positive voltages using the 4 bit dac. I think I need an inverter for this or maby the op amp circuit can do this too but I am getting ahead of myself.
Remember this excercise is just to get the fundamentals of how PWM and DACs and amplifiers work. To me a working wxample I make myself no matter how crude or lousy the sound output will meke me jump for joy and another notch to the light bulb will be in place.
I know sometimes it looks like I know what I am doing but reallly slap a mask on me and a blue gown and I can look like a brain surgen too)
Do a google search for "R2R" and "DAC" and see what you get.
Here is something that I did once upon a time using a UVEPROM ... I used the EPROM burner software itself to "strip" off the 54 byte WAV file header.
....follow the above·link to "Standalone EPROM *.WAV player"
Note: If you do not strip off the 54 byte WAV file header, you will hear an audible "click" everytime you initiate playing your WAV file.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Got to get some work done now (i am at work never enough time....
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.