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question about "rfid and a computer lock" — Parallax Forums

question about "rfid and a computer lock"

waynefoxwaynefox Posts: 19
edited 2005-09-18 20:22 in Robotics
im goin to setup an rfid computer lockout setup when i get me rfid unit and tags and was wondering if you could make it to where the computer is on but is goes in to screensavermode and the only way to get out of the screensaver is by the correct tag

thanks to anyone who can help

wayne fox 3

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  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,569
    edited 2005-09-16 01:15
    It would be easier to enable/disable the KEY lock option on the motherboard...... Years ago on older computers you also received a set of keys (At least ones that came my direction)
    All this key lock does is prevent keyboard entry on your machine. As a legacy, I believe most computer motherboards still have this "option/feature".... your mileage may vary.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • waynefoxwaynefox Posts: 19
    edited 2005-09-16 01:45
    maybe i can use that some how if my motherboard has that feature other wise maybe i can somehow make a somthing ro find somthing that looks for a certin imput from somthing or somthing i still need to work on it

    wayne fox 3

    windows and linux user
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  • John R.John R. Posts: 1,376
    edited 2005-09-16 02:31
    As a suggested research branch, look into the "biometric" devices. They do the same thing you're trying to do, but with biometrics (fignerprints, eyeprints, etc.). They are probably attaching to a windows API of some sort.

    John R.
  • waynefoxwaynefox Posts: 19
    edited 2005-09-16 03:40
    ill have to do some tinkering and seee what i can find out its just a project i was wanting to do

    wayne fox 3

    windows and linux user
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  • Jonathan MorrisonJonathan Morrison Posts: 23
    edited 2005-09-16 14:23
    Look for GINA on the MSDN website ( You can create a custom one and own all of the login features of the OSes UI. All the logon/logoff, screensaver, etc. stuff in Windows today is implemented in msgina.dll - the default implementation. The only potential downside is that you have to implement the whole feature set of GINA - not just one part. I think it is like 21 routines or so. HTH
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2005-09-16 15:32
    One option you could employ is having the computer turn on/off when the card is swiped.· The circuitry could be mounted inside the computer.· Only tech-savvy people with access to the computer to open it would be able to circumvent it.· But the power button on an ATX system is a momentary pulse which could be generated by the BS2 when a valid RFID Tag was scanned.· This could initiate power on/off.· On my system when I press the power button the computer starts shutting down as if I selected Start, Shut Down.· My case also has a locking door which covers the power button and CD-ROM Drives.· But if you used the RFID Reader you would disconnect the normal power button on non-locking cases.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • waynefoxwaynefox Posts: 19
    edited 2005-09-17 03:15
    i got it i have 2 curcits one to turn it off/on and one to lock it when its on cause i found a keylock circut witch disables keyboard and mouse so when i get my rfid unit and tags i can make a good secruity system for my computer

    wayne fox 3

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  • waynefoxwaynefox Posts: 19
    edited 2005-09-18 01:56
    ok i need to know if i can hook up the stamp directly to the computer 12+/- or 5+/- line in the computer so it will be on when the pc turns on i need to know the amps my miulti meter cant find them for some reason its rated at 500V/200mA
    but i think i know y i just realised i believe the 12line is anywhere from 1 to like 10 and i donno the 5 line (for thoes who dont konw what im talking about im talking about the hard drive and cdrom power connectors the red black black yellow cords)

    i dont konw i just need a little help i have a wall adapter to use i just wanted to have it turn on when the computer did

    wayne fox 3

    windows and linux user
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  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2005-09-18 19:33

    ·· While you could use the 5/12 volt line on the computer (Even though computer power supplies tend to be noisy), the real question is, how will the Stamp Module/RFID get the power they need when the supply is off?· This would limit functionality to the keylock function, not power on, although you could use it for power off.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • waynefoxwaynefox Posts: 19
    edited 2005-09-18 20:22
    u konw i dont konw why but that totaly sliped my mind i justt being sick does that to me u do have a good point ill have to think on this one maybe have it to where the keylock is on when the computer turns on and the right card turns it off and can t\urn it back on when the user leavs for a little bit i also would like to konw is this a problem i have beeen tinkering with this project for a little bit now and when i ower the board up it gets a little warm is that bad im still learning all the stuff about thies so im not sure

    wayne fox 3

    windows and linux user
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