driving a 4x4 LED display
I have a 4x4 LED display and I am trying to run it on an SX52.· I cannot figure out how to control it.· I can find no data sheet and the way it behaves defies all logic.· I have tried many combinations trying to find a pattern but to no avail.· I havn't been able to get a single dot the whole time.·· Any help will be appreciated.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
S LT5107E
Google only brings up 10 hits. Apparently it is made by Sharp and I have not been able to find a single data sheet. I have looked at other data sheets from other companies bu they don't match up to what this one is doing.
It says the display is common anode; so you should be able to start with that and determine the column connections, then the row connections.· After that, writing code to multiplex it should be pretty simple.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I just bought this thing, soldered the socket for the display on and started messing with the program.· The only place the board has been is on my desk next to my computer.· It has never been shorted, it is impossible for it to be shorted because the only way it can get to something else is through the LED display.
Do you have a resistor between the SX and the display?
If the display can draw more than the absolute maximum current rating of the SX52 then it could burn out the pin
For the SX20/28 the AMR is 45 mA, and the reasonable limit is 30 mA.
I don't know about the SX52, but you might want to look it up in the data sheet.
There is also a maximum total output for all pins, which is 130mA for the SX20/28.
This thread went over a lot of these issues:
I wonder if this wire is hot...
As far as the resistors how do I know what one to put in?· Or do I just guess and put on in that doesn't dim the LEDs too much?
I wonder if this wire is hot...
· R = (Vdd - Vf) / If
· R = (5 - 2.5) / 0.01
· R = 250
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Also how about soldering SMT stuff?
If = Forward Current
These are pretty standard electronics terms; you may want to pick-up an electronics text if you haven't done much circuit design. Not knowing that an LED requires a current limiter will do damage to nearly any microcontroller.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
The board with a chip on it is $9.95, and the chip alone is $7.
Considering the cost to set yourself up for surface mounting, and the high probability that you would destroy components while learning the technique, it would seem to make more sense just to buy a few of these:
I wonder if this wire is hot...