PING((( STAMPERS I need help!!!! Please
I downloaded the code for the ping.
Place an object 20 cm from the Boe-Bot. The Boe-Bot will rotate
in place until it detects the oject, and then move toward it.
When I run the distance demo code, that one works fine, and I must say, using a tape measure the ping, is deadly accurate to the INCH!! The other program when the power swich is in position 1 no servo the ping light blinks as it should! But when moved to #2 "POWER TO SERVOS" it blinks once and makes a small turning pulse and stops and the ping light goes out after 1 blink!
I know Your tired of hearing your customers begging you
to death, for codes!!!
But could you if possible ask around the office for some ping roaming codes
PLEASE... PRETTY PLEASE! He who is one with STAMP!!
I won't bother you for codes again 'till the next time!
Rick The PING BOBOT Begger!!!
P.S. Stampers IF your a pro PINGER and would like to share your codes I
Won't Refuse them!!
Post Edited (Zax) : 9/14/2005 1:09:20 AM GMT
Place an object 20 cm from the Boe-Bot. The Boe-Bot will rotate
in place until it detects the oject, and then move toward it.
When I run the distance demo code, that one works fine, and I must say, using a tape measure the ping, is deadly accurate to the INCH!! The other program when the power swich is in position 1 no servo the ping light blinks as it should! But when moved to #2 "POWER TO SERVOS" it blinks once and makes a small turning pulse and stops and the ping light goes out after 1 blink!
I know Your tired of hearing your customers begging you
to death, for codes!!!
But could you if possible ask around the office for some ping roaming codes
PLEASE... PRETTY PLEASE! He who is one with STAMP!!
I won't bother you for codes again 'till the next time!
Rick The PING BOBOT Begger!!!
P.S. Stampers IF your a pro PINGER and would like to share your codes I
Won't Refuse them!!

Post Edited (Zax) : 9/14/2005 1:09:20 AM GMT

·· What I'm wondering is if during the switch from position 1 to position 2 on your BOE-Bot, the counter is timing out for a zero reading and the code is ending (As it's programmed to do).· I just tested it here with my BOE-Bot and it works, but if I delay too long switching to position 2, it won't work until I press reset.· But it does work using the code you posted.· I would recheck your connections and see if you find anything, and of course, fresh batteries.· Even if they power the BOE-Bot without the PING))), the combined poewr could be sagging them if they're low.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Andy Lindsay (Parallax)) : 9/14/2005 10:52:41 PM GMT
Ping))) Boe-Bot roaming example program by jeffrey morris.··Here's·a link: Ping))) and BOE-BOT
I found the rouuble.
Chris you were on the money, It was the batteries!!!