No room on BOE breadboard for more circuits
jeffrey morris
Posts: 52
I wish to create circuits for directional signals, emergency flashers, and a simulated speedometer but I don't have room on the small BOE breadboard. I have a large stand-alone breadboard but I think that I don't have solid wires that are small enough to go into the holes on the breadboards. Any suggestions for correct size of solid wires?
Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester yet?
Another alternative is the Radio Shack interconnect wire package. This is pricey ($8.00) but neat.
UpdateClock VAR BYTE
UpdateSpeedo VAR BIT
· UpdateLEDs = 0
· UpdateSpeedo = 0
· Pause 10
· UpdateClock = UpdateClock + 10
· UpdateSpeedo = 1
· IF UpdateClock = 250 THEN
· UpdateClock = 0
· UpdateLEDs = 1
· endif
Then, GOSUB to this to get both a 10 mSec delay, as well as an update to the "UpdateLEDs" flag and UpdateSpeedo flag.· Then, in your "main" code, check these two flags to see if its time to update the speedo and/or the flashers.