recieving x10 controls
Hi I was wanting to figure out a way to recieve x10 command and just turn on some led's and came across this x10 rf reciever·and though it doesn't say anything about bs2 it does say its output is RS-232, 4800 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit and I was just wondering if someone that new alot more than I did could look at it and see if there was a easy way to program a stamp to turn on a light when it recieved x10 commands from it.··
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
The TW-423 was usually what people used -- but I believe the output signals it gives are not terribly useful for a BS2.
<later> OK, I've now seen the web-site.· It looks like that module recieves the transmission from an X10 RF-sender unit -- like transmissions sent by the hand-held that talks to the Firecracker, or the hand-held that talks to the X10 "RF-Recieve" module.· Sure, you could probably program a BS2 to recieve the signals from the module on the web-site.
X10 tends to be pretty good about publishing their protocols -- and that reciever module certainly should publish what they put out at 4800 baud given a keypress on a remote somewhere.· This is the first I've heard of the module, so it's probably not very likely the BS2 code exists yet.
Post Edited (allanlane5) : 9/7/2005 5:22:56 PM GMT
Any ideas where this has moved?
Thanks all.
Here is the link to the X-10 Firecracker, if that's what you're seeking:
If you're looking for the "missing link", that is probably long gone. The web site has gone through a couple of revisions since then. You can try but I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope.
Bruce Bates
"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."
Thomas Alva Edison
The X-10 RF modulation protocol is very similar to the NEC appliance TV VCR DVD Infrared modulation protocol. The only difference is the carrier frequency. Infrared Vs. RF.
I suggest you read the Parallax IR remote control for the Boe-Bot paper. The text can be found here:
I have managed to receive, understand and re-create all the IR protocols for my appliances using a BS2 OEM and support hardware. You can read about two (2) of the IR protocols·here:·
The X-10 RF modulation protocol can be found here:
I cannot support the AC to RF interface. I am unaware if products are available.
RF receivers can be obtained from:
I hope this helps.
I looked at the device, and it certainly appears that you could use it that way. It receives the signal and translates it to 4800 baud serial. The Stamp can certainly receive 4800 baud (as long as the character strings are not very long) So, all that needs to be done is to monitor for the signal that you want to check on, and light the LED.
The Firecracker doesn't add anything to the situation in this case...
Or perhaps I misunderstood your original request. Are you trying to create a monitor that will let you know if an X10 command was sent?
If you want to ask a question, create a new thread for it, OK?
My apologies. Just getting acquainted with the etiquette. New thread coming up...
I noticed the subject matter and saw the current post by akalati. I went to the top of the thread, reading for content and did not notice the discontinuity in dates.
I'll try not to let it happen again...