Best way of robot motion?
What's the best way of robot motion?
Wheels, legs, tank treads, crawlers? Making a robot that walks like a human would be very hard for me. Would making a 4-legged robot that walks like an animal be easier?
Wheels, legs, tank treads, crawlers? Making a robot that walks like a human would be very hard for me. Would making a 4-legged robot that walks like an animal be easier?
Of course, you haven't mentioned flight or flotation. And, there are climbers, too.
A robot really need a context before the concept of what is best can apply.
Secondly, the type of motor depends on use, size and effiency.
I think you would be more likely to enjoy whatever challenges you. I started with a Toddler because the BOE-Bot seemed too simple. But, I have to be concerned with it falling over.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
I'd be curious to know which (model?) hovercraft you chose, and why you happened to choose it? If you had a web link to it, that would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Bruce Bates