Memsic question
I am looking at a Memsic accelerometer that I bought from Parallax with a jeweler's loupe.
There are two small unlabeled components on the board.
The manufacturer reccomends 2 capacitors and a resistor to limit the noise.
Are there components already on the little board?
Also, there are only 6 pins coming out of the little board upon which the accelerometer is mounted, but the actual component has 8 pinouts.
What's up with that?
The documentation that came with the device, and what I could find online is very limited, which is quite unusual for Parallax.
Am I just not looking in the right place?
I wonder if this wire is hot...
There are two small unlabeled components on the board.
The manufacturer reccomends 2 capacitors and a resistor to limit the noise.
Are there components already on the little board?
Also, there are only 6 pins coming out of the little board upon which the accelerometer is mounted, but the actual component has 8 pinouts.
What's up with that?
The documentation that came with the device, and what I could find online is very limited, which is quite unusual for Parallax.
Am I just not looking in the right place?
I wonder if this wire is hot...
Please let us know what we can do to improve any of our documentation. It's something we take a lot of time to do and attempt to do well.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Parallax did not provide for that alternative.
It seems that you get enough jitter at the sampling rate you have. You will likely need to add your current reading to 5-10 previous ones and then divide by the number of samples to get a 'smoothed' moving average [noparse][[/noparse]like the stock markets moving average calculation].
This smoothed figure is more useful.
Try getting the original, primary documentation from Memsic directly. There are about 3-4 publications that explain how to use it. They include X-Y-Z axis readings from 3 Memsics combined and readings in a moving automobile on an incline. These articles will expand you vision of what it can do.
And yes, those little things are components [noparse][[/noparse]The future is shrinking at a very fast rate.] I am not sure if all of the recommended ones are on-board or needed.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Here is a more succinct version:
Do I need to create the manufacturer's reccomended RC circuit around the memsic I bought from Parallax, or is it already on the 6 pin dip board?
I wonder if this wire is hot...
It's Only A Stupid Question If You Have Not Googled It First!!
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I am using it with an SX chip.
If I set the internal pullup resistor to high, is that good enough or do I need an external resistors on XYout as well?
If so then what would be a good value?
Thanks for the help guys, that was really fast!
I wonder if this wire is hot...
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax