~ My Humanoid Robot Using Basic Stamp+PSC ~
·················· Hi all, I am interesting in design and build robot. I spend half year to complete a robot project by using Stamp Module and PSC, which is simulated to human being motion. This robot have more than 25 degree of freedom, height 170cm, control by Stamp Program, especially each finger can move separately. I hope in future can improve more function for this robot, here are the few photo attachments, appreciate if some robotic hobbyist might interesting on it or give me some comment. My email is olanoinfo@hotmail.com

What did you use for the pelvis? I notice the chest looks like a welding mask. Very cool.
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Hernondo) : 9/2/2005 8:59:15 PM GMT
The arms and fingers are currently control by servos, I still thinking any hydraulic or pneumatic devices that can add in to this robot or not. In fact, there is not a “metal skeleton, most of the items here actually you can buy from hardware shop or shopping center such as the eye is actually a· ping-pong ball. ·Here are the attachment of the robot fingers and head. What I concern now is the size of stamp’s memory and EEPROM,· since I only can control maximum of 11 servo separately each time, and if I need to program more motion, it seem like not enough EEPROM.
What did you use as the head enclosure? The pointy ears are a nice touch.
Did you machine the parts for the hands?
Have you considered adding a second stamp for more control? The stamps could communicate with each other- I've considered using a stamp for each body 'location' in a robot design before...
Ni shi zhong guo ren ma?
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support