Slot car lap time and lap counter
I am trying to get, store and retrieve lap times down to the thousand
of a second on a two lane slot car track. Maybe store 5 fastest times
for each lane. A good lap is a little under 10 seconds.
····· ·····Enter number of laps of race
· Ready set go:
·········· Car 1 and 2 trigger sensors
······ ····Clock starts for each lane
· End of laps:
·········· Store time with lap number for each
·········· Decrement lap counter for each
·········· Display on LED/LCD
···········Audible tone if fastest of race
· End of race button2:
·········· Toggle though 5 fastest laps
···········Displaying on LED/LCD
· Button3:
··········· Clear memory
··········· Goto Button1
·····Any help would be much appreciated
··························Thank you, Gary
of a second on a two lane slot car track. Maybe store 5 fastest times
for each lane. A good lap is a little under 10 seconds.
····· ·····Enter number of laps of race
· Ready set go:
·········· Car 1 and 2 trigger sensors
······ ····Clock starts for each lane
· End of laps:
·········· Store time with lap number for each
·········· Decrement lap counter for each
·········· Display on LED/LCD
···········Audible tone if fastest of race
· End of race button2:
·········· Toggle though 5 fastest laps
···········Displaying on LED/LCD
· Button3:
··········· Clear memory
··········· Goto Button1
·····Any help would be much appreciated
··························Thank you, Gary
go to the link above and download Nuts N Volts article #22 it has a program done years ago with some of what you may be looking for. It's included with an article about keypad scanning routines. Look at the end of the article for the pinewood derby program, even though it's written for a BS1, you should be able to find some usefull routines in this article.