Going wireless with rs-485
Hello peoples
Wanted to ask someone in the know, is it possible to take any (my air conditioning controller for example) rs-485 signal, cut the wires, install some sort of transmitter/reciever and transfer across a computer network? Or maybe go wireless? Like to know if anyone has had experience.
Wanted to ask someone in the know, is it possible to take any (my air conditioning controller for example) rs-485 signal, cut the wires, install some sort of transmitter/reciever and transfer across a computer network? Or maybe go wireless? Like to know if anyone has had experience.
·· What's on either side of the RS-485 signals?· If it's just serial data you have plenty of RF solutions available.· You can find many on our website.·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
You need two RS-485 to Wireless transcievers [noparse][[/noparse]Rx and Tx].
You can either figure out how to build them yourself or go to someone like B&B electronics to buy them.
The wires that you cut are still RS-485 transmit and receive - so they have to interface with a RS-485 device to properly terminate and then convert the information to RF digital.
G. Herzog in Taiwan