Oops sorry bout that, use this to the main page. The circuit page is just one of many, have a look at some of the Math and Physics Applets, Digital Filters, Fourier Series Applet
If nothing else just laying out circuits on it is cool.
Now try this out. Use the File Import command, past the code I exported from the circuit I was working on with Beau, Look at the scope output as it runs the simulation. I would think this would be a graat tool for people to learn and exchange circuit diagrams as they actually work. And you can have many oscilloscopes stacked up.
$ 1 5.0E-6 10.391409633455755 50 5.0 50
w 288 240 336 240 0
r 336 240 384 240 0 39000.0
R 384 240 496 240 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0
r 288 240 160 240 0 3900.0
r 384 240 384 112 0 4700.0
t 288 240 288 112 0 1 -4.5094897700967 0.4542693091487875
g 272 112 160 112 0
s 160 240 112 240 0 false false
R 112 240 112 336 0 5 100.0 0.6 0.0
p 384 112 480 112 0
p 288 240 288 304 0
w 384 112 304 112 0
o 9 64 0 6 5.0 9.765625E-5 0
o 10 64 0 6 2.5 9.765625E-5 0
Right click on components to change their values, add switches, power, 555 timers, jfets, mosfets, flip flops, etc...
The pulse generator on the bottom left is set at .6 volts pulse, you have signal generators, batteries, capacitors etc...
And save your circuit in text format, exchange it in fourms. I have worked with lots of simulator packages and thiis one walks all over lab view that costs hundreds of dollars when it comes to how easy it is to design a working circuit, the graphics and electron flow are serious learning tools.
Slide the current speed to the right a bit to see the electron flow better with this circuit.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
If nothing else just laying out circuits on it is cool.
Now try this out. Use the File Import command, past the code I exported from the circuit I was working on with Beau, Look at the scope output as it runs the simulation. I would think this would be a graat tool for people to learn and exchange circuit diagrams as they actually work. And you can have many oscilloscopes stacked up.
Right click on components to change their values, add switches, power, 555 timers, jfets, mosfets, flip flops, etc...
The pulse generator on the bottom left is set at .6 volts pulse, you have signal generators, batteries, capacitors etc...
And save your circuit in text format, exchange it in fourms. I have worked with lots of simulator packages and thiis one walks all over lab view that costs hundreds of dollars when it comes to how easy it is to design a working circuit, the graphics and electron flow are serious learning tools.
Slide the current speed to the right a bit to see the electron flow better with this circuit.
Very cool.
Hey my circuit works!
Hmmm.... "Paul Falstad" I've heard that name before.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Well now it's almost 2 am and I think I played with simulation circuits enough for one day.