Can Anyone Help Me In Wiring A 556CN Timer IC?
Please Help. It's Radio Shack Item#276-1728. If you need a picture of the device, or the back paper, just tell me. 556CN
Thx in advance,
Post Edited (Jimmio) : 8/29/2005 6:25:34 PM GMT
Thx in advance,
Post Edited (Jimmio) : 8/29/2005 6:25:34 PM GMT
·· Wire it to do what?· Radio shack and Google have plenty of documentation on using the 555 and 556 Timer IC.· A Google search should get you tons of information.· Very first result for 556 timer got me this:
Out of 111,000 matches...
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The Radio Shack 276-1728 is an LM556 which is nothing more than two 555 timers on one chip. You can find the datasheet for the LM556 here:
You can learn a whole lot more with a simple chip like this in reading and understanding the datasheet, than you would be if someone just helped you "hook it up". There are many vaild configurations for 555 timers, and you would expand your learning immensely, by learnng more than just the one configuration that you may need for your project.
Other chips and other datasheets can be far more complicated than this. This chip provides an excelent learning platform IMHO.
Bruce Bates
This is a good start for leaning about the 555 and 556