Prototype Mode ----> Hardwire Mode
I have been reading a ton of people's ideas for projects on here over the last few months.· And I must say, there are a lot of great ideas out there from you guys!· I have a dumb question...· Let's say that I have come up with a really neat, unique·project of my own using·the Basic Stamp (which hasn't happened yet, still kinda in the beginning, learning·stages).· Would I have to dedicate the stamp to that project, or is there a way to take what I have in prototype mode and transfer it to a hardwired configuration so that I may still use the board for other stuff?· Also, without costing a fortune.· I currently have the WAM kit and also a BOE-Bot. (just so you know what boards I am using)· I am really only familiar with the Basic Stamp language but am willing to learn and try other stuff if needed.· Also, I am·NOT by any means·an expert in electronics, but am fairly confident in the basics.· Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. This is what this part of the alphabet would look like if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
P.S. This is what this part of the alphabet would look like if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
·· There are any number of ways to transfer you project to a more permanent/semi-permanent version.· Using the Homework Board means your new version would require it's own Stamp Module, since you can't take the one off the Homework Board, you can however make it so that you can take the Stamp Module out of the finished project and move it amongst various other projects.
·· Radio Shack sells solder-ring boards that match their breadboards for configuration.· So if you can prototype a circuit on their breadboard, you can later move it to a more permanent form with everything in the same place.· This is just one way, which I used in the Better Mousetrap Project.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
So, you're saying that you can just buy the Stamp Module by itself and permanently make it a part of the circuit. I guess I'm a little slow with most of this, so I do apologize. This lets me make the circuit permanent then? Are there any other components needed to"replace" the homework board part of the equation?
P.S. This is what this part of the alphabet would look like if "Q" and "R" were eliminated.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support