Converting BS-2 Program to PBP - Removed from Basic Stamp Area
dupont -
In a previous post on the Basic Stamp forum you said:
Thank you for your answer [noparse]:)[/noparse]·
I put "BS2defs.bas" ==> ok But it do not recognize some
functions "".·
I does not reach that point· [noparse]:([/noparse]· Thank you
end quote
First, what do you mean "I(t) doesn't reach that point"? The BS2DEFS.BAS statement should be at or near the beginning of your PBP program, so it HAS to reach that point, if "that" is the point you're speaking about.
Second, if you could either post the complete program here, either in-line or as a text·attachment (better method) or give us SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of where you're having a problem, it would be a whole lot easier to offer you some conversion assistance. As it is, we're just guessing at what might be wrong, and how to fix it.
Bruce Bates
In a previous post on the Basic Stamp forum you said:
Thank you for your answer [noparse]:)[/noparse]·
I put "BS2defs.bas" ==> ok But it do not recognize some
functions "".·
I does not reach that point· [noparse]:([/noparse]· Thank you
end quote
First, what do you mean "I(t) doesn't reach that point"? The BS2DEFS.BAS statement should be at or near the beginning of your PBP program, so it HAS to reach that point, if "that" is the point you're speaking about.
Second, if you could either post the complete program here, either in-line or as a text·attachment (better method) or give us SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of where you're having a problem, it would be a whole lot easier to offer you some conversion assistance. As it is, we're just guessing at what might be wrong, and how to fix it.
Bruce Bates