BS2 into pic (PBP compiler).
Hello, sorry for my English!·
I will like to convert my programming BS2 into pic (PBP compiler).· Only, I use a LCD and conversion is not carried out correctly.· I am not able one to convert this:· OUTS = %0000000000000000·· DIRS = %0000000011111111.· Thank you

Post Edited By Moderator (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 8/28/2005 2:57:03 PM GMT
I will like to convert my programming BS2 into pic (PBP compiler).· Only, I use a LCD and conversion is not carried out correctly.· I am not able one to convert this:· OUTS = %0000000000000000·· DIRS = %0000000011111111.· Thank you

Post Edited By Moderator (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 8/28/2005 2:57:03 PM GMT
"BS2defs.bas".· Study this file.· More questions should be in the Sandbox.
Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester yet?
Thank you for your answer [noparse]:)[/noparse]·
I put "BS2defs.bas" ==> ok But it do not recognize some
functions "".·
I does not reach that point· [noparse]:([/noparse]· Thank you
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
You really should learn how to use google. Then you could find the correct forum. The link above will take you to Melabs forums and someone there should be able to help you but don't expect an answer in a timely manner like you would find on this forum, be patient and in a week or 2 someone should get back to you.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax