Stamp Suitability for Automotive Applications??
I'm thinking about using a STAMP processor for an automotive application, but I'm concerned about proper operation at temperature extremes.· The processor would physically located in the interior of the vehicle, but I live in Texas, so interior temps can exceed 115 degrees in the summer.· Additionally, I want to be able to travel into colder climates (say down to -10 degrees F).· Does this rule out the STAMP as an option?· Are certain models of the STAMP more tolerant of temperature variations than others?·
There is an industrial version of the BS-2 Stamp platform. The industrial version has a temperature range of 40-80 C (-40-185 F) which ought to work fine in the environment you have. Here is a link to the unit itself:
Remember to filter your incoming power well, as voltage on an automobile is notable noisy. Additionally remember there will be a large amperage draw-down on the battery causing a lowered available voltage when starting in cold weather, so brown-outs may occur too.
Bruce bates
As convenient as it is to be able to swap out stamps, if you have to, you may want to check it from time to time (push it back in) or directly solder/wire wrap to it! (of course, be careful you don't leave heat on a stamp pin for too
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."