Is it level or not...Memsic 2125
Hello fellow stampers...again..
Been playing around with Memsic 2125 Dual-Axis Accelerometer and have just a couple of questions about it.
1. If the device is plugged into the breadboard, and the breadboard is level (using a two axis bubble level) on the work table, how level should the readings from the device showing in the DEBUG window be? I am refering to the computed degree reading? · What is the tolarance?
2.What is pin 1...labeled "T out"?
3. With the breadboard standing vertical in either axis, I read a max of about 60 degrees, is this right?
I should say that the degree reading doesn't mean much to me, as I will be using the raw readings to produce the necessary motor drive outputs, but I was just wondering if the device should be reading zero when on a level plane.
Post Edited (deno) : 8/25/2005 1:41:32 AM GMT
Been playing around with Memsic 2125 Dual-Axis Accelerometer and have just a couple of questions about it.
1. If the device is plugged into the breadboard, and the breadboard is level (using a two axis bubble level) on the work table, how level should the readings from the device showing in the DEBUG window be? I am refering to the computed degree reading? · What is the tolarance?
2.What is pin 1...labeled "T out"?
3. With the breadboard standing vertical in either axis, I read a max of about 60 degrees, is this right?
I should say that the degree reading doesn't mean much to me, as I will be using the raw readings to produce the necessary motor drive outputs, but I was just wondering if the device should be reading zero when on a level plane.
Post Edited (deno) : 8/25/2005 1:41:32 AM GMT
According to the Memsic datasheet:
"TOUT – This pin is the buffered output of the temperature sensor. The analog voltage at TOUT is an indication of the die temperature. This voltage is useful as a differential measurement of temperature from ambient and not as an absolute measurement of temperature."
As for your other questions- I have not used this device, but would be surprised if the values at 0 and 90 degrees were exactly right. There is bound to be some offset which will need to be dealt with in code.
Peter C. Charles
Director, Research and Technology
CyberBiota, Incorporated
·· You can find additional information about the device here at the bottom of the page.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
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