Custom Molded Plastic Covers
Hi everyone!
I am making a game consule with my sx board and video module.(A real basic one)· So, I was wondering if anybody new about a company that makes custom molded plastic covers for the system.· For example the GameCube has the Purple Box.· I am looking for something like that.· I have a clay and 3D model and specific specifications.
Thanks in advanced,
AJ (neox42)
I am making a game consule with my sx board and video module.(A real basic one)· So, I was wondering if anybody new about a company that makes custom molded plastic covers for the system.· For example the GameCube has the Purple Box.· I am looking for something like that.· I have a clay and 3D model and specific specifications.
Thanks in advanced,
AJ (neox42)
One of my companies ( does contract plastic injection molding. If it is a volume product you are making, then custom parts make sense, otherwise it is probably too expensive. The individual plastic pieces are perhaps one or a few dollars, but making the mold to create them can range from $10,000 for a simple mold to many times that for a complex mold.........probably not what you had in mind.
Peter (pjv)
Post Edited (AJ) : 8/24/2005 11:08:12 PM GMT
Prototypes the size you are considering used to cost a few hundred dollars each.· Get a few quotes.
Chris I.
I noticed in "Nuts & Volts" (Sept. 2003, page 43) a New Products News release for "Custom Plastic Parts - Enclosures Without Tooling Costs". The news release mentions "quantities of 50 to 10,000 are easily realized by this process, which is ideal for products with unstable or rapidly changing designs." I don't know the absolute minimum (since you are interested in 5) but their contact information is:
11208 47th Ave. W, Ste. B
Mukilteo, WA 98275
425-493-1223 FAX 425-493-1122
Hope this may be of help.
(I'm not affiliated with ths site. It was just the first Google for "vacuum forming")
Post Edited (Paul) : 8/25/2005 10:10:31 PM GMT
This is ideal for low production runs.· I believe that acrylic plastic {Lexan} was used.· You can buy many colors.
Most of the injection mold plastics require hugh quatities [noparse][[/noparse]10,000 units] before a real savings is reached. You have a lot of design cost, mold construction, test runs, and so forth.
What you see in the XBox or Game Cube is likely a color change of the original product using the original stock mold. It seems that in Asia, when the manufacturer orders 10,000 units, someone runs off a few 100 odd ball colors to make money on the side. They go out the backdoor of the OEM supplier.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 8/28/2005 3:40:20 PM GMT