Sure you can ride my Waverunner... Do you have an RFID tag?
I finally Get to post one of many projects of mine....
·· This project was inspired·
to me by the many thieves out there that just like to take what isn't theirs. Especially when we are dealing with a $10,000 watercraft.
··· If you have never been on a waverunner before let me be the first to tell you that you are missing out!
and for those of you that have "good job for getting off of your couch."
··· Now, all personal watercrafts·have a safety strap, which is tethered to your wrist,·that allows you to·"kill" the engine if you should ever fall off the thing.·once the safety strap is in place (right above the left handle) you then are allowed to push the start button and successfully start the engine.
Here is the problem.... ANY Strap·can be used·to start any personal watercraft. unless you were to completely remove the battery anybody that·wants your watercraft·can verywell just put in a paperclip where the safety strap goes and there goes your·summer fun.
Solution:·· RFID !!!
From what you just read.... Safety strap + Pusbutton = Start
Now: Safety strap + Correct RFID tag + Pushbutton = Start
·· By·Fastening the RFID reader just below the Hull of the watercraft where the driver sits, they can simply Plug in the safety strap (with RFID tag attached to the safety strap), wave the tag in the correct location, and then successfully start the watercraft.
Now if you have a safety strap without the correct RFID Tag, then you aren't going anywhere !!
Technical Specifications:
··· By using an automotive relay rated at 12Vdc and coil resistance of 90 ohms i was able to drive it with a standard 2N2222A NPN trasistor. since i bought a relay with internal diodes it wasn't an issue.·But be sure to place a 1N4001 or similar across the relay coil, cathode to positive, to prevent backward EMF.
the code and schematics·should provide enough info... but if you have any questions feel free to ask.
P.s. I could have used a BS1 but simply chose not to... i· like my BS2's !!
There are 10 kinds of people....
Those who know binary and those who Don't.
Post Edited (Gary D.) : 8/22/2005 8:40:45 PM GMT
·· This project was inspired·

··· If you have never been on a waverunner before let me be the first to tell you that you are missing out!
and for those of you that have "good job for getting off of your couch."
··· Now, all personal watercrafts·have a safety strap, which is tethered to your wrist,·that allows you to·"kill" the engine if you should ever fall off the thing.·once the safety strap is in place (right above the left handle) you then are allowed to push the start button and successfully start the engine.
Here is the problem.... ANY Strap·can be used·to start any personal watercraft. unless you were to completely remove the battery anybody that·wants your watercraft·can verywell just put in a paperclip where the safety strap goes and there goes your·summer fun.
Solution:·· RFID !!!

From what you just read.... Safety strap + Pusbutton = Start
Now: Safety strap + Correct RFID tag + Pushbutton = Start
·· By·Fastening the RFID reader just below the Hull of the watercraft where the driver sits, they can simply Plug in the safety strap (with RFID tag attached to the safety strap), wave the tag in the correct location, and then successfully start the watercraft.
Now if you have a safety strap without the correct RFID Tag, then you aren't going anywhere !!

Technical Specifications:
··· By using an automotive relay rated at 12Vdc and coil resistance of 90 ohms i was able to drive it with a standard 2N2222A NPN trasistor. since i bought a relay with internal diodes it wasn't an issue.·But be sure to place a 1N4001 or similar across the relay coil, cathode to positive, to prevent backward EMF.
the code and schematics·should provide enough info... but if you have any questions feel free to ask.
P.s. I could have used a BS1 but simply chose not to... i· like my BS2's !!

' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
Enable PIN 1 RX PIN 0 trigger PIN 5 ledg PIN 3 ledr PIN 2 relay PIN 8
T2400 CON 396 LastTag CON 2
buf VAR Byte(10) ' RFID bytes buffer tagNum VAR Nib ' from EEPROM table idx VAR Byte ' tag byte index\ char VAR Byte ' character buffer x VAR Word
'-----[noparse][[/noparse] Users ]-----------------------------------------------------------
Tag1 DATA "0415146DCB" '0415146DCB valid tag codes Tag2 DATA "0415146D53" '0415146D53
'-----[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
Reset: LOW ledg HIGH ledr
' turn off RFID reader
' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
Main: IF trigger = 1 THEN enable ' Placing a safety strap trggers this loop GOTO main
enable: HIGH relay ' disable waverunner start button LOW enable ' activate the reader SERIN RX, T2400, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT($0A), STR buf\10] ' wait for hdr + ID HIGH enable IF trigger = 0 THEN reset
Check_List: FOR tagNum = 1 TO LastTag FOR idx = 0 TO 9 READ (tagNum - 1 * 10 + idx), char IF (char <> buf(idx)) THEN Bad_Char NEXT GOTO Tag_found Bad_Char: NEXT
Bad_tag: LOW ledg FOR x = 1 TO 10 PULSOUT ledr,5000 ' If a bad tag is presented Then A bi-colored led flashes red NEXT PAUSE 400 GOTO reset
Tag_Found: LOW relay ' Enables current flow from start button through relay to engine HIGH ledg ' De-energizes the relay and illuminates green on the bi-colored LED LOW ledr HIGH enable GOTO Status
status: IF trigger = 1 THEN status ' if safety strap is removed then trigger = 0 GOTO reset
There are 10 kinds of people....
Those who know binary and those who Don't.
Post Edited (Gary D.) : 8/22/2005 8:40:45 PM GMT
How about an alarm if someone TRIED to start it without the RFID tag ?
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
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"One experiment is worth a thousand theories"
Many higher end vehicles employ a similar technology.
Great project!! You might consider presenting this idea to the manufacturer.
Now, the question is, will you be waiting in ambush for someone to take your Waverunner?
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Yeah.... I included one wire on the module (brown) for any extras that i would think of after the fact.·This would be the best idea...
I·would like·to get a multitone siren so that i could enable different sounds.... (e.g. Disarmed, armed, and alarm)
i am scared of false triggers though... Imagine cruzin down the lake at 40+ mph and all of a sudden "Honk!Honk!Honk!Honk!Honk!Honk!"
im sure it would be stable.
Thanks Guys for your Feedback....
There are 10 kinds of people....
Those who know binary and those who Don't.
·· When I used to design and build alarm systems that was a frequent situation (False Alarms).· I always made sure I had a quick/easy way to disable the siren/bell during testing.· But it does happen...Until the bugs are worked out.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Otherwise its a great idea.
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhill center, vermont
cheers ... brian riley, n1bq, underhiull center, vermont
·But have no fear... the project is working great and I can sleep at night with my toy undisturbed on the water......
I'm going to do something similar in a car application and I'm interested in your design.
Does your circuit draw current when the lanyard is not installed?· It looks like the 12 volt source has to power the regulator all the time, unless I'm mistaken (which is not unlikely).
Do you have the reader mounted under the seat of the PWC?· How far can the tag be separated from the reader?· In my application, I'd like to sense the credit card type tag carried in my wallet.· When I sit in the seat and hit a system enable button the RFID will be polled to find out if it's my but in the seat.· I'm wondering how much range to expect in this situation.
I think your relay labels are shifted (30 swapped with 87).
BTW, I also have a PWC.· It's older and slower than yours, but all in all one of the best toys I've ever owned!
Basic stamp Newbie
···· We normally use the waverunner seasonally, so therefore we unplug the main battery when not in use. However when it is operational, the module draws only·30mA when idle and· ~ 200mA when safety·strap is·present
when the correct RFID tag is presented both the relay and RFID reader are de-engerized meaning while the PWC is in use the stamp only draws 30mA...
so as far as your car application goes... i would put·pressure switch on the seat so that when someone sits there, only then will it enable the RFID reader, so it too only draws minimal current.
I·Placed·the reader in the engine compartment, ·opposite the fuel cap·,·epoxied to the upper hull·so that when the tag is placed·inside the cupholder of the PWC it will read the tag·regardless of·which way you position the tag.
The relay is a generalization of how the contacts are connected (common to startbutton, Normally closed to engine start, Normally open not connected)... i used a 12vdc relay with ·90 ohm coil...
Good luck on your Project....
Gary D.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
in the code:
IF trigger = 1 THEN enable
GOTO main
IF trigger = 1 THEN enable_relay
GOTO main
It was giving me a syntax error and claiming it needed a '=' after enable until I changed it. I'm a noob so I was little frustrated when I first was trying to use the code, but after a lil bit of reading and understanding the code it was worth the frustration. Now I wont forget!
Just thought I would add my 2 cents in case anyone else had similar problems.
Works great now! Can't wait to get it wired onto the sandrail!
HOLY *@Microsoft%@! (sorry for the cuss, I've been trying to clean up my language)
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