A few melted trace problems
I did something really stupid and ended up melting a few traces on my SX52 Proto Board. I'm having a hard time figuring out where two of the melted traces go so I can repair the board Could someone please do a continuity/resistance check to see where they go?

Pad #1 - The bottom pad of the top capacitor, as shown in the picture, goes to one of the Switch Pads I think, although I can't figure out which because the trace is melted and it goes under the switch on the other side of the board, blocking view.
Pad #2 - The positive pad from the power jack, also going to the Switch I believe. I melted this one, too [noparse]:([/noparse]
Switch Pads The pads where the melted traces appear to be going.
Thank you for your great support, Parallax! I could almost buy a new board at $10, but I have already soldered all my header sockets into this board.
The Pad #1 circle includes the scorch marks and a bit of melted solder bits, so that's why it looks a bit weird. Please don't ask what type of power supply I was using. [noparse];)[/noparse]
SX-Key + SX52 + Proto Board + SX-Key Software + Computer + USB to Serial Adapter + LED = Blinky LED!
I did something really stupid and ended up melting a few traces on my SX52 Proto Board. I'm having a hard time figuring out where two of the melted traces go so I can repair the board Could someone please do a continuity/resistance check to see where they go?

Pad #1 - The bottom pad of the top capacitor, as shown in the picture, goes to one of the Switch Pads I think, although I can't figure out which because the trace is melted and it goes under the switch on the other side of the board, blocking view.
Pad #2 - The positive pad from the power jack, also going to the Switch I believe. I melted this one, too [noparse]:([/noparse]
Switch Pads The pads where the melted traces appear to be going.
Thank you for your great support, Parallax! I could almost buy a new board at $10, but I have already soldered all my header sockets into this board.
The Pad #1 circle includes the scorch marks and a bit of melted solder bits, so that's why it looks a bit weird. Please don't ask what type of power supply I was using. [noparse];)[/noparse]
SX-Key + SX52 + Proto Board + SX-Key Software + Computer + USB to Serial Adapter + LED = Blinky LED!
····As for following the traces, the schematic to the board is located at the link below.· Hopefully whatever happened didn't burn the SX chip, otherwise you might be wasting some time.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The board comes without rubber feet [noparse][[/noparse]this seems to be very normal from all sources of evaluation boards], but obviously you need them, some stand-offs, or to at least avoid putting the board down on anything metal.
Alternatively, you can cover the sensive areas of the bottom of the board with Hot Glue. I do this with completed projects that are going to get cramed into a tight space.
Also, the Hot Glue seems to be pretty easily cut out or removed for later repairs. Additionally, if you have to put in jumper wires to by-pass the damage, the Hot Glue will keep your repair in place and cosmetically make the board beautiful again.
[noparse][[/noparse]I buy green hot glue.]
Good luck!
G. Herzog in Taiwan
FYI - The power supply was a 3AH 7.2volt RC battery. No protection. Not exactly a great choice. [noparse];)[/noparse]
Where do you get green hot glue?
SX-Key + SX52 + Proto Board + SX-Key Software + Computer + USB to Serial Adapter + LED = Blinky LED!