feature request - quick jump bar at the bottom
As if the subject wasn't enough info, allow me to explain.· I am forever reading down a lengthy thread and then I get to the bottom and want to go back to the forum index, but I have to scroll up to the top of the page and use either the links that go "parallax forums > public forums > etc" or the quick jump box.· Could you duplicate that whole bar at the bottom of the page?· The reason I don't like using my browser's back button is twofold: 1) if it's a multi-page thread, it won't take me back to the listing, but to the previous page, and 2) I like having the icon that tells me I read the thread be updated every time.· I'd like to point out that the "back to top" button in every post doesn't actually go up high enough for the quick jump bar to be visible, so I feel that that button is rather useless.
On a similar note, it'd be a cool feature to have a button that displays a multi-page thread as one really long page (for when I'm trying to waste time at work and feel like reading the post about the community supported milling machine as a giant novel [noparse];)[/noparse])
On a similar note, it'd be a cool feature to have a button that displays a multi-page thread as one really long page (for when I'm trying to waste time at work and feel like reading the post about the community supported milling machine as a giant novel [noparse];)[/noparse])
...before I was hired by Parallax.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
It's an extra keystroke, but you can hit the "Home" key and it will bring you back to the top of the page without scrolling
as an alternative to the "Back" button.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support