SX and Web Server
The datasheet for the SX 52 mentions "examples of Virtual Peripheral modules are ... Internet Connectivity protocols such as UDP, TCP/IP stack, HTTP, SMTP, POP3" ... (ref: 4, sec 1.3.1)
Does anyone know of an existing web server software package that can be downloaded into the SX?· (free would even be sweeter!)
John J. Couture
San Diego Miramar College.
Does anyone know of an existing web server software package that can be downloaded into the SX?· (free would even be sweeter!)
John J. Couture
San Diego Miramar College.
Scroll down for SX stack. Requires SX52.
regards peter
John J. Couture
San Diego Miramar College
Any working devices out there?
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
I have the SX-Stack Evaluation Kit, which has a SX52BD datecode AB0011AB,
preprogrammed with iSX embedded webserver version 1.0.4
(at is version 2.3.5)
This does work using win98.
There are a few support files (schematics etc.) that are not at
I could upload this (total zipped is 2.53 MB)
regards peter
IMO, the lack of enough free program memory was one of the reasons why Scenix/Ubicon developed the IP series of controllers then.
Greetings from Germany,
Do you think attaching additional I2C memory to the mix would solve the problem?
John J. Couture
San Diego Miramar College
I don't think so. You can use a serial EEPROM to store tables or other contstants but no program code (unless you have some p-code interpreter running on the SX, like the BASIC Stamps do). Code for reading/writing the serial EEPROM, e.g. via I²C would "eat up" extra space in the SX program memory.
To be honest, I did not focus on that topic since a long time - if there are others lurking with more practical experience please bail in and shere your opinions and experiences, you are welcome. This IS an interesting topic!
Greetings from Germany,
using the latest SASM. In fact they contain errors: skip instruction followed
by compound statements. I fixed those errors.
Also found a appnote AN23 that describes a setup using a SX28 for UDP messages.
I altered the iSXv1_0_4.src to make it assemble using a SX28, according to the
schematic in the AN23 document. (iSX_udp_for_sx28 folder).
At the Ubicom site, entering support,·the·documents describing the iSX and eSX
sources are not available, and I could not find them at also, but they
are, together with the fixed sources,·in the zips.
Unzip both attachements to the same folder.
regards peter
Glad to hear the "Compound statment following skip" warning I added to the IDE paid off. I added that one day after working on a project where I got burned by that problem. This is one of the advantages of me using the SxKey IDE as well as writing it. If I was just a hired gun, I would never even know to add a feature like that, let alone get inspired (annoyed) enough to do it right then and there.
Thanks, PeterM
I've updated everything on the web page.
James Newton, Host of
james at sxlist,com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation: Pick faster!
You may want to provide a link to the SX specific tcp/ip i/o page
on the Virtual Peripherals page (at VP sx stack). I really had to
search those updates.
regards peter
The link is already there, I just didn't see it.
Post Edited (Peter Verkaik) : 8/20/2005 6:51:01 AM GMT
James, on your opening page you have a link labeled "Intro to IO control with the SX Microcontroller" which links to to a Parallax document that is no longer produced (stock# 45402). I think Mr. Alvarez said that it is now incorporated into the new 3.0 manual ( ) Unit 9, pg 135. Did I get all of the references correct so that you two can update the links (grin).
John J. Couture
San Diego Miramar College
James Newton, Host of
james at sxlist,com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
SX FAQ / Code / Tutorials / Documentation: Pick faster!