Catalyst Digital Potentiometers

I have been trying to write a program that converts a variable analog voltage to a variable digital potentiometer wiper·reading, using the basic stamp.· The catch to what I am trying to do is making the Up/Down input of the digital potentiometer follow the voltage· of the analog sensor as it happens.· I have got the basic stamp reading my variable analog voltage.· I can also get the basic stamp working a digital potentiometer.· What I can't do yet, is combine the two things, where the up/down of the digital pot follows the analog voltage.· I am getting really close after reading Catalyst's Design Guide-Digitally Programmable Potentiometers. There is one design idea in Catalyst's guide,·where there are two inputs controling the pot's wiper.· Take either to ground, or zero, and it controls the movement of the wiper.· The CS pin is tied to ground. The·INC pin is tied to which direction you move the U/D pin.· Make sure Jon Williams reads this. Thanks

Post Edited By Moderator (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 8/17/2005 8:02:52 PM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax