Need help with pulsout
Hi I am new at·the boe-bot yet I have succeeded in creating a program that allows the robot to not fall of the table but I put the forward main program ( if the sensors detect the edge it backsup and turns around ) in pulsout program does and it stop..goes..stop..goes does anyone know if I use a High & Low program for my servo motor if it will make it roll contiuosly and if it will go slow enough to detect the edge of the table?
I just went to and found loads of information regarding this topic.
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
Post Edited (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 8/13/2005 2:22:01 PM GMT
You can't use a HIGH or LOW command to control your servos. They require a 1-2 ms pulse between periods of 20-40 ms. But this gives you plenty of time to do other calculations, sensor checks, etc.
You probably need to post your code, too.