FPUcp Help
I am attempting to use my FPU v2, but first I need to get it in! I attached it using the I2C configuration but it doesn't seem to be responding to the mathfpu demo programs (the data pin and clock pin at correctly set). I'm still new so this is probably due to incompetence. I have 6 wires coming from the chip on the bread board (4 pins on each side of the cannal). Pins 1 & 8 are going to Vdd. 7 & 4 are going to Vss, pins 5 & 3 are going to data and clock @ pins 14 and 15 respectivly on the javelin. The last two pins 6 & 2 are not used. Is this set up properly? It doesnt seem to respond to a reset command, or any for that matter. Thanks for your time.
Dave Andreae
Tech Support
Dave Andreae
Tech Support