should we include Javeline in our undergraduate course
Hi all,
I need suggestions on the following matter:
I have been given the task to design a·college undergraduate course titled " Java for embedded and consumer Devices". While designing this course I intend to include topics covering the following devices:
1. Mobile devices-········ CLDC/MIDP
2. PDA-······················ CDC
3. smart cards-············ javaCard
4. microcontrollers
5. consumer devices covering[noparse]:([/noparse]automobiles, setTop boxes, home appliances etc)
can you please·help me with numbers 4 and 5. I would like to use java technologies for both of them.
would 'Javeline' be suitable for number 4?
can you also provide suggestions about number 5 regarding suitable java technologies for them( CLDC/CDC,personalJava,RTJ etc)
thanks in advance
I need suggestions on the following matter:
I have been given the task to design a·college undergraduate course titled " Java for embedded and consumer Devices". While designing this course I intend to include topics covering the following devices:
1. Mobile devices-········ CLDC/MIDP
2. PDA-······················ CDC
3. smart cards-············ javaCard
4. microcontrollers
5. consumer devices covering[noparse]:([/noparse]automobiles, setTop boxes, home appliances etc)
can you please·help me with numbers 4 and 5. I would like to use java technologies for both of them.
would 'Javeline' be suitable for number 4?
can you also provide suggestions about number 5 regarding suitable java technologies for them( CLDC/CDC,personalJava,RTJ etc)
thanks in advance
I don't know much about the other technologies you mention, but the Javelin is one of the most cost effective of the tiny Java platforms.
I am a college undergraduate student, at Kettering University, studying to become and Electrical Engineer. I think the Javelin is great! I really like the Java programing language(was a required class for me freshman year and since then I have been learning more on my own ever since) and while looking for a microprocessor to compleat a couple of my own projects I stumbled on the Javelin. I just started with it this past winter, and I have already (in my free time) been able to compleat a few rather interesting projects. You can see a few of them on my website.
I think that the javelin would make a great addition to your course.
-Jon Keinath