serial lcd problems...... want command like bs2 debug
hi y'all
i have been trying to hook up a scott edwards serial lcd·( the·ILM-216 ) to my sx28 using the tech board
i can get the screen to flash using this snippit of code ( in the template of course )
main :
··· pauseus 1000
··· serout RA.1,N2400,14 ' turn on backlight
···· pauseus 1000
··· serout RA.1,N2400,15· ' turn off backlight
··· goto main
now the problem is· its not consistent !!
sometimes the screen flashes twice then stops, sometimes· comes on and just stays on..
i know it should be consistant.. also i cant seem to write to the screen any letters and· such and have them be the same all the time...
i think it has to do with the serout command, because the same lcd , hooked up to a bs2 works fine... or could it be that the sx just talks too fast ???
anyways the reason i started this thread is a sugestion for the next rev of SXB i would like a command that would· open up a screen on the pc and i could output regular text to it to test my apps.
i know we have the debugger, and i can look at one char a time if i set up a watch... (that is if my sx-key would stay found on my computer,) but one char a time isnt the same as seeing the whole string outputed....
ps tried using a usb-> serial port for the sx-key problem ,no go ( see earlier thread on problem, ) the 1000 uF cap helps in programming but cant use debugger that way so i end up running code thru the sx-sim· ( thanks gunther daubach ) to be able to look at it
am going to go get a another computer.... just to play with this hobby of mine... any suggestions ?
dan ( dazed and confused )
Post Edited (Sawmiller) : 8/12/2005 1:51:40 PM GMT
i have been trying to hook up a scott edwards serial lcd·( the·ILM-216 ) to my sx28 using the tech board
i can get the screen to flash using this snippit of code ( in the template of course )
main :
··· pauseus 1000
··· serout RA.1,N2400,14 ' turn on backlight
···· pauseus 1000
··· serout RA.1,N2400,15· ' turn off backlight
··· goto main
now the problem is· its not consistent !!
sometimes the screen flashes twice then stops, sometimes· comes on and just stays on..
i know it should be consistant.. also i cant seem to write to the screen any letters and· such and have them be the same all the time...
i think it has to do with the serout command, because the same lcd , hooked up to a bs2 works fine... or could it be that the sx just talks too fast ???

i know we have the debugger, and i can look at one char a time if i set up a watch... (that is if my sx-key would stay found on my computer,) but one char a time isnt the same as seeing the whole string outputed....
ps tried using a usb-> serial port for the sx-key problem ,no go ( see earlier thread on problem, ) the 1000 uF cap helps in programming but cant use debugger that way so i end up running code thru the sx-sim· ( thanks gunther daubach ) to be able to look at it
am going to go get a another computer.... just to play with this hobby of mine... any suggestions ?
dan ( dazed and confused )
Post Edited (Sawmiller) : 8/12/2005 1:51:40 PM GMT
If I lived back in the wild west days, instead of carrying a six-gun in my holster, I'd carry a soldering iron. That way, if some smart-aleck cowboy said something like "Hey, look. He's carrying a soldering iron!" and started laughing, and everybody else started laughing, I could just say, "That's right, it's a soldering iron. The soldering iron of justice." Then everybody would get real quiet and ashamed, because they had made fun of the soldering iron of justice, and I could probably hit them up for a free drink. - Jack Handy
Can you attach the complete program ?
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
Product web site:
"One experiment is worth a thousand theories"
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Post Edited (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 8/12/2005 4:42:09 PM GMT
dont understand the freq command that you asked about... its set to the default template
as for the baud rate , the lcd's default is 2400, would have to jumper across the lcd to get 9600
Use a resonator and change the DEVICE line as needed.
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
Product web site:
"One experiment is worth a thousand theories"
the jumper is easy to install, on my ilm-216 test rig i soldered a small jumper from pin 6 to pin 8 on the lcd. a small price to pay for a faster refresh rate.
If I lived back in the wild west days, instead of carrying a six-gun in my holster, I'd carry a soldering iron. That way, if some smart-aleck cowboy said something like "Hey, look. He's carrying a soldering iron!" and started laughing, and everybody else started laughing, I could just say, "That's right, it's a soldering iron. The soldering iron of justice." Then everybody would get real quiet and ashamed, because they had made fun of the soldering iron of justice, and I could probably hit them up for a free drink. - Jack Handy
still havent got that tx_byte routine to work, gives me garbage on screen... but at least what i get is what i tell it to
will go and solder that jumper in,faster is better , no ?
thanks for the advice folks...
try it. its modular!
' Sets the buffer for transmition
PUT buffer(0), "H", "E", "L", "L", "O"
' transmits a single byte
ax = __PARAM1 ' char to send
SEROUT txPin, Baud, ax ' send the character
' transmits entire buffer
FOR idx = 0 TO 4
TXBYTE buffer(idx) ' transfer buffer
dirPIN = 0
If I lived back in the wild west days, instead of carrying a six-gun in my holster, I'd carry a soldering iron. That way, if some smart-aleck cowboy said something like "Hey, look. He's carrying a soldering iron!" and started laughing, and everybody else started laughing, I could just say, "That's right, it's a soldering iron. The soldering iron of justice." Then everybody would get real quiet and ashamed, because they had made fun of the soldering iron of justice, and I could probably hit them up for a free drink. - Jack Handy
TXSTR "Hello there!"
DATA "Hello There!",0
TXSTR Message
using code such as:
TXSTR SUB 2 ' String parameter counts as 2
· TempOffset = __PARAM1
· TempBase = __PARAM2
· DO
··· READ TempBase+TempOffset, TempChar
··· IF TempChar = 0 THEN EXIT
··· TXBYTE TempChar
··· INC TempOffset
··· TempBase = TempBase + Z ' Adjust base if offset overflows
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
Product web site:
"One experiment is worth a thousand theories"
If I lived back in the wild west days, instead of carrying a six-gun in my holster, I'd carry a soldering iron. That way, if some smart-aleck cowboy said something like "Hey, look. He's carrying a soldering iron!" and started laughing, and everybody else started laughing, I could just say, "That's right, it's a soldering iron. The soldering iron of justice." Then everybody would get real quiet and ashamed, because they had made fun of the soldering iron of justice, and I could probably hit them up for a free drink. - Jack Handy