Feasability of a Project
Quick question about a project.
What I want to do is make a GPS beacon for my truck. I want to attach a GPS module to a Stamp, which will then send the coordinates to a transmitter. A second handheld module which will include a stamp, reciever, GPS and LCD display will then compare the truck location to the module location (Module being a hand-held so you can carry) and display the direction to the truck on the LCD screen.
Question I have for all you heavy programmers out there, how intensive does this sound programming wise ? I'm estimating about $300 in parts and work (Including finished boards).
What I want to do is make a GPS beacon for my truck. I want to attach a GPS module to a Stamp, which will then send the coordinates to a transmitter. A second handheld module which will include a stamp, reciever, GPS and LCD display will then compare the truck location to the module location (Module being a hand-held so you can carry) and display the direction to the truck on the LCD screen.
Question I have for all you heavy programmers out there, how intensive does this sound programming wise ? I'm estimating about $300 in parts and work (Including finished boards).
Cool project too.
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"One experiment is worth a thousand theories"
Sounds a lot like Ham Radio APRS, do a search for APRS, and there is a ton of info out there plus a lot of hardware and code examples.
GPS modules: 2 x $100 = $200
Stamps: 2x $50 = $100
Radio: 2x $100 = $200 (I'm assuming you need something with more than 200ft range, so that's why this may seem expensive)
LCD: $4 for parallel, $50 for serial... take your pick
That adds up to about $550.· As for actually connecting those pieces of hardware together, that should be relatively easy.
GPS modules: 2 x $100 = $200
Stamps: 2x $50 = $100
Radio: 2x $100 = $200 (I'm assuming you need something with more than 200ft range, so that's why this may seem expensive)
LCD: $4 for parallel, $50 for serial... take your pick
Hooking it all up and realizing you're a nerd with a really cool truck....priceless.
hehehe...sorry, couldn't resist.
DMCA Sucks
RIAA Sucks
Also don't forget the GPS antenna "amplified costs more" or " non-amplified, easy to make and lower cost).
A powered antenna is definitly the way to go!
Stamp cost depends on which stamp you use.
The tradeoff is the stamp display combo, parrallel/serial cost of each combination.
The radio(s) are another tradeoff, as you only need a "transmitter" for the vehicle, and "reciever" for the handheld data terminal.
You MIGHT look into FMRS/GMRS handhelds to lower the cost.
I have picked up a pair of GE's for under $20 a the local WalMart on sale in the redtag area, they work fine for about 1 mile...
As far as the RF transmitter, anyone know a good place to buy a FM transmitter with a decent range (1-2 miles). Everything I have found is around 200ft max. Won't make much sense to make this project if I can see the truck..
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
Product web site: www.sxvm.com
"One experiment is worth a thousand theories"
I thought if we had a module like that we could have located the car, instead of waiting for 2 weeks. I just want to see the feasability of such as project.
Maybe in design I could play around with two transievers, and have the hand held module send a enable signal, or something of that sort.
If your truck is far enough away, you will need a good size transmitter in there for you to pick it up.
Now, with APRS (or is it ARPS??) you have one radio with a gps that is constantly transmitting out to amateur radio repeaters and such.
You just have a system at home that's tied in to the APRS network and a bit of software and you get a cheezy looking map but the capability to see where your truck would be.
The Caviat here is that you need a HAM license to use the radio bands. The Basic license is pretty easy....it's all block diagram circuits and multiple choice questions (up here in canada anyhow).
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
You have to be a Ham to use the Ham frequencies.
The same type of system can run on any frequency.
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
Those little FRS radio's are very useful....and everyone knows this....which is why the channels are pretty congested (as a trip to disney proved last year).
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
There are many options available....