Interrupt handling. How use the interrupt pins on the SX-processor from BSsx?
Posts: 15
I·use a BSsx, with UBICOM sx processor, it is a powerful processor with 8 pin interrupt and own interrupt stack. I want to use them!· What I can see, you cannot get to the interrupt pins on the processor from the BSsx. Is there any BASIC STAMP module who can handle interrupts?
If you want to use interrupts you can program "plain" SX chips with the SX/B compiler (it's very close to PBASIC) and SX/B does allow interrupt programming.·
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Note that 'tweaking the PBasic run-time' is a non-trivial exercise, in fact that's what Parallax has built their company around.
Now, what Jon is saying is that Parallax does sell a $100 package that lets you program SX chips yourself -- along with a very nice SX/B IDE/compiler that lets you have a mix of Basic and Assembly. They also sell $10 SX48 and SX52 boards, which are VERY nice. So you could easily go that route.
Can you tell us what you need interrupts for ? Maybe there is a way to do it with some external circuit.
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I want to use the interrupt as the same way as for a microprocessor, when condition/state is changed,·physically (on a pin) or logically (RS232-register flag), the program will·branch to a interrupt routine.
What can I do with my BS,(BSp) can I use Polling (POLLMODE, POLLIN, POLLOUT) for this?
This is why I don't like to call pin polling "interrupt" because it does not work like standard microcontroller interrupts and I think that's really what you're looking for. For that, you can use your PBASIC skills with SX/B (our free BASIC compiler for the SX micro [noparse][[/noparse]not BS2sx]).
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I will try to get around my problem in some other way.
My original problem had to do with buffering. I control my BS with a java program witch constantly sending commands to my BS via RS232. I didn’t want to “loose” instructions because BS didn’t have buffering ore interrupt handling and only is able to do “one thing at the time”. The problem is totally my fault, and I should have looked these things up more carefully before I started my project.
But ok, anyway, I will try to program my BS so that it doesn’t matter if it misses some commands..
Thank you !
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax