Noob sx interface and capabilities questions (possible project)
Hello, I have been playing with the BS/2 for awhile and find it just great.· I come from a c++ with windows background, and learning to program the bs2 has been so much fun.· I would like to start learning the sx now for cost reasons.· I have a little pet project that i have been wanting to start, but before I do, I would like some startup info. I have ordered the sx tech toolkit plus, and cant wait to get started.· Here is what i want to eventually do (I have already done this on a pc, but making it work without the pc seems a bit complicated).· I would like to build a time clock.· It would have to interface to these devices:
A serial barcode scanner (from metrologic)
an lcd.
a serial to lan interface (so i can communicate with a pc based server program)
a speaker (just for beeps)
a keypad
a realtime clock chip
Basically, i would need to monitor the scanner for data being sent, monitor the keypad for data.· When data is detected from the scanner, i would store that until the computer sends it a command to "give me all of the stored data".· I would also need to be able to set the clock, accept input from the keyboard (for special codes before a punch), and it would have to be battery backed up so that it wouldn't lose stored 'punches' in the event of a power outage.·
So, do you think a noob can work his way through this?· (I think that i could get it all working on a BS/2 right now, but i dont think i would have enough pins to get the job done.)·· I think that the hardest part will be getting the serial to lan interface working.· I'm thinking lantronix, but i have seen posts about getting it to work with the bs2, but i have not seen any with the sx.
I have a pretty good grasp on electronics, as well as basic and a little asm, along with some playing around with the basic stamp.· This is nothing I am really interested in selling, more of just a "I wonder if I can do it" thing.· I find that I learn the best when I just jump in and get started, so here goes nothin!
Thanks for any suggestions!· You guys are the best!
John Gjonola
A serial barcode scanner (from metrologic)
an lcd.
a serial to lan interface (so i can communicate with a pc based server program)
a speaker (just for beeps)
a keypad
a realtime clock chip
Basically, i would need to monitor the scanner for data being sent, monitor the keypad for data.· When data is detected from the scanner, i would store that until the computer sends it a command to "give me all of the stored data".· I would also need to be able to set the clock, accept input from the keyboard (for special codes before a punch), and it would have to be battery backed up so that it wouldn't lose stored 'punches' in the event of a power outage.·
So, do you think a noob can work his way through this?· (I think that i could get it all working on a BS/2 right now, but i dont think i would have enough pins to get the job done.)·· I think that the hardest part will be getting the serial to lan interface working.· I'm thinking lantronix, but i have seen posts about getting it to work with the bs2, but i have not seen any with the sx.
I have a pretty good grasp on electronics, as well as basic and a little asm, along with some playing around with the basic stamp.· This is nothing I am really interested in selling, more of just a "I wonder if I can do it" thing.· I find that I learn the best when I just jump in and get started, so here goes nothin!
Thanks for any suggestions!· You guys are the best!
John Gjonola
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Very interesting project...Keep us informed.
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"One experiment is worth a thousand theories"
John Gjonola