Power supply question
Hi folks,
I'm adding a power supply to a project box. It is 110v input and has taps for 12v down to 3v dc I think it is.
Should those taps have some sort of load on them when it is turned on ? If so does each tap need one or just one of them?
I remember reading that a computer power supply shouldn't be turned on unless it was plugged into the mother board. I guess the same would apply to all power supply's ?
Thanks, Larry
I'm adding a power supply to a project box. It is 110v input and has taps for 12v down to 3v dc I think it is.
Should those taps have some sort of load on them when it is turned on ? If so does each tap need one or just one of them?
I remember reading that a computer power supply shouldn't be turned on unless it was plugged into the mother board. I guess the same would apply to all power supply's ?
Thanks, Larry
·· Just out of curiosity, do you know if it's a Linear Regulated or Switching Supply?· Switching supplies generally need the load on the output.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
It is a switching supply. That means that the output is constant regardless of the load within the limitations of the power supply doesn't it ?
Does it need a load on all the outputs or would just one be enough?
Like an led and it's resistor for an indicator light.
Thanks, Larry
·· As Paul stated, there is no standard for this.· On PC Power Supplies, which are also switching supplies, a significantly higher load is needed than an LED/Resistor for them to be stable.· Modern supplies have a load system built in.· Anyway, you may have to simply run some tests, cheking the voltages on the outputs.· Not sure if I'd use the Stamp Module in these tests though...·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 8/10/2005 4:59:23 PM GMT
Thanks Chris