Syntax editor for Palm OS?
Working construction and not being able to have a·computer,·or laptop with me at work. I was wondering if there was a Pbasic syntax editor available for the Palm OS. I end up with some down time between lifts and thought that it would be easier to trouble shoot my·code.·I am still learning how to program and thought I might·be able to save a step form·trying to decipher the chicken scratch·I jot down·in a·steno pad and then type into the editor on my home pc. If I could check the syntax and, then just cut and paste it, after it is downloaded from the palm it would be a big help to me and probably save a lot of frustration. I don't know if this is possible but thought that if anyone would have an answer, the people on the parallax forums would be the best place to ask.·
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Thanks for the reply. I was guessing that there wasn't a program out there, but figured it didn't hurt to ask.