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Quadravox QV356M4 problems — Parallax Forums

Quadravox QV356M4 problems

alexealexe Posts: 4
edited 2005-08-07 12:00 in BASIC Stamp
Hello everybody,

I have a Quadravox QV356M4 sound module and a BS2P40 for a robotic project.
I also have the software from quadravox: QV300S2.

The thing with the software it that you cand load you own sound files from you pc, and you can play them with the qv board. The thing is, it's not working. When I double-click a file nothing happens, the board won't play it. Also, i have a sample code from parallax, wich allows you to play pre-recorded standard words from the board. It won't work either, but if you want to play a sentence then it works. If anyone has any ideas about what's going on, please let me know. I know i'm not too clear, but if you want any info, il give it to you.

Thanks a lot.


  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2005-08-07 00:59
    Make sure that your baudmode value is correct for the BS2p.· Our docs tend to use BS2 values and many forget to modify SEROUT and SERIN commands.

    I use this section of code in my standard programming template so that I never have to worry about SEROUT and SERIN:

    · #CASE BS2, BS2E, BS2PE
    ··· T1200······ CON···· 813
    ··· T2400······ CON···· 396
    ··· T4800······ CON···· 188
    ··· T9600······ CON···· 84
    ··· T19K2······ CON···· 32
    ··· TMidi······ CON···· 12
    ··· T38K4······ CON···· 6
    · #CASE BS2SX, BS2P
    ··· T1200······ CON···· 2063
    ··· T2400······ CON···· 1021
    ··· T4800······ CON···· 500
    ··· T9600······ CON···· 240
    ··· T19K2······ CON···· 110
    ··· TMidi······ CON···· 60
    ··· T38K4······ CON···· 45
    · #CASE BS2PX
    ··· T1200······ CON···· 3313
    ··· T2400······ CON···· 1646
    ··· T4800······ CON···· 813
    ··· T9600······ CON···· 396
    ··· T19K2······ CON···· 188
    ··· TMidi······ CON···· 108
    ··· T38K4······ CON···· 84
    SevenBit······· CON···· $2000
    Inverted······· CON···· $4000
    Open··········· CON···· $8000
    Baud··········· CON···· T9600

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
  • alexealexe Posts: 4
    edited 2005-08-07 01:41
    Hi and thanks for answering,

    Actually I did the correction from the beggining. It doesn't work. I have a sample program from parallax, I'll post it tomorrow, I don't have it on this PC, and I will explain to you what works and what not. The strange thing is that when i firs tried the sofware from Quadravox, it worked. I was clicking on the files on the program and the card was playing the file. At some point it stopped working. I must have changed a parameter and forgot what it was. I tried resetting the card, but it did't gave any result.
    Thanks again,
    have a nice evening.
  • alexealexe Posts: 4
    edited 2005-08-07 12:00

    Here is the program I was talking about. When you run it, it pops a menu on a debug window and you have three choices: Play a sentence, play sounds from the stamp, play the vocabulary word you select. The first two options work, but when it comes to play a vocab word, it does nothing. You don't hear a sound. As you see the serial parameters are set for the stamp.

    ·································································· ' ==============================================================================
    ' {$PBASIC 2.0}
    ' File...... QV356_SPEECH.BS2
    ' Purpose... QV356M4 Speech & Sound Demonstration
    ' Author.... Parallax
    ' E-mail....
    ' Started...
    ' Updated... 01 MAY 2002
    ' {$STAMP BS2p}
    ' ==============================================================================
    ' Program Description
    ' This program demonstrates the basic speech and sound capabilities of the
    ' QV356M4 BOE-Bot Speech Board.
    ' Revision History
    ' I/O Definitions
    Term_SIO CON 16 ' DEBUG terminal I/O
    QV_SIO CON 11 ' serial I/O for QV356
    QV_Busy VAR IN11 ' high when QV356 is busy
    Mix_Out CON 10 ' output to QV356 mixer
    ' Constants
    QV_Direct CON $F0 ' play mode
    QV_MixOn CON $F1 ' enable mix of pin 10 sounds
    QV_SetRate CON $F2 ' set sample rate (0..3)
    QV_MixOff CON $F3 ' disable mix of pin 10 sounds
    QV_Record CON $F4 ' record mode (do not use)
    QV_PlayUsr CON $F5 ' play user message
    QV_Stop CON $F6 ' stop playback
    QV_RecUsr CON $F7 ' record user message
    QV_Sleep CON $F8 ' power down
    QV_OpenStr CON $F9 ' open string
    QV_CloseStr CON $FA ' close string
    QV_PlayStr CON $FB ' play string
    QV_Volume CON $FC ' set volume (0..7)
    QV_Reset CON $FD ' software reset
    QV_80k CON $00 ' - 8.0 kHz (best quality)
    QV_64k CON $01 ' - 6.4 kHz
    QV_53k CON $02 ' - 5.3 kHz
    QV_40k CON $03 ' - 4.0 kHz
    QV_RecOn CON $01 ' start recording
    QV_RecOff CON $00 ' stop recording
    N2400 CON 17405 ' 2400-8-N-1, inverted (QV356)
    T9600 CON 240 ' 9600-8-N-1 (matches DEBUG)
    MoveTo CON 2 ' move cursor to x,y
    LF CON 10 ' line feed
    ClrRt CON 11 ' clear to right
    ClrDown CON 12 ' clear down
    Std_Volume CON 5 ' good volume for QV356
    ' QV356M4 Standard Vocabulary
    LastPhrase······ CON 219
    _calibrating···· CON 96
    _primary········ CON 98
    _sensors········ CON 99
    _all············ CON 95
    _systems········ CON 94
    _functioning···· CON 92
    _properly······· CON 171
    _attempting····· CON· 47
    _to············· CON· 205
    _locate········· CON· 131
    _objects········ CON· 151
    _object········· CON· 150
    _turning········ CON· 209
    _track·········· CON· 207
    _moving········· CON· 145
    _target········· CON· 204
    _30············· CON· 21
    _9·············· CON· 9
    _located········ CON· 132
    _will_i_dream··· CON· 217
    ' Variables
    response VAR Word ' menu response
    qvData VAR Byte ' data for module
    idx VAR Byte ' loop counter
    eeAddr VAR Word ' ee address of word
    freq VAR Word ' tone for sound fx
    ' EEPROM Data
    Sent1 DATA _calibrating, _primary, _sensors, $FF
    Sent2 DATA _all, _systems, _functioning, _properly, $FF
    Sent3 DATA _attempting, _to, _locate, _objects, $FF
    Sent4 DATA _turning, _to, _track, _moving, _target, $FF
    Sent5 DATA _object, _30, _9, _located, $FF
    ' Initialization
    PAUSE 250 ' let DEBUG open
    DEBUG "Initializing QV356M4", CR
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_Reset] ' reset sound board
    PAUSE 100 ' required -- do not change
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_Volume, Std_Volume] ' set initial volume
    ' Program Code
    DEBUG "===========================================", CR
    DEBUG " QV356M4 BOE-Bot Speech Board Demonstration ", CR
    DEBUG "===========================================", CR
    DEBUG "[noparse][[/noparse]1] Play Selected Vocabulary Word", CR
    DEBUG "[noparse][[/noparse]2] Sentence Demonstration Using String Buffer", CR
    DEBUG "[noparse][[/noparse]3] Mixer demo -- Plays Sounds from Stamp", CR
    DEBUG "--> "
    SERIN Term_SIO, T9600, [noparse][[/noparse]response]
    PAUSE 500
    LOOKDOWN response, [noparse][[/noparse]"123"], response
    BRANCH response, [noparse][[/noparse]Vocab, Sentences, Mixer]
    GOTO Main
    DEBUG "QV356M4 Vocabulary Demonstration", CR, CR
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_Direct] ' reset direct file mode
    PAUSE 5
    DEBUG "Enter phrase # (999 to Exit) -> "
    SERIN Term_SIO, T9600, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC response] ' get phrase #
    IF (response = 999) THEN Main ' check for quit value
    IF (response > LastPhrase) THEN Vocab ' check for in range
    qvData = response
    GOSUB Say_Word
    GOSUB Wait_Until_Not_Busy
    GOTO Vocab
    DEBUG "QV356M4 Queuing Demonstration", CR
    DEBUG "-- sentences are stored in DATA table", CR, CR
    FOR idx = 1 TO 5
    ' get sentence address
    LOOKUP (idx - 1), [noparse][[/noparse]Sent1, Sent2, Sent3, Sent4, Sent5], eeAddr
    DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 3, "Sentence #", DEC idx
    GOSUB Say_Sentence
    GOSUB Wait_Until_Not_Busy
    PAUSE 1000
    GOTO Main
    DEBUG "QV356 Mixer Demonstration", CR
    DEBUG "-- sounds are generated by BASIC Stamp", CR, CR
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_MixOn] ' enable Stamp sounds
    PAUSE 5
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_Volume, 6] ' crank up volume
    PAUSE 5
    DEBUG "Dial tone", CR
    FREQOUT Mix_Out, 35, 35 ' "click"
    PAUSE 100
    FREQOUT Mix_Out, 2000, 350, 440 ' combine 350 Hz & 440 Hz
    DEBUG "Dialing", CR
    DTMFOUT Mix_Out, [noparse][[/noparse]1,9,1,6,6,2,4,8,3,3,3] ' "call" Parallax
    DEBUG " - ringing", CR
    FOR idx = 1 TO 2
    FREQOUT Mix_Out, 2000, 440, 480 ' combine 440 Hz and 480 Hz
    PAUSE 4000
    DEBUG "Howler -- watch out!!!",CR
    FOR idx = 1 TO 4
    FREQOUT Mix_Out, 1000, 1400, 2060 ' combine 1400 Hz and 2060 Hz
    FREQOUT Mix_Out, 1000, 2450, 2600 ' combine 2450 Hz and 2600 Hz
    DEBUG "1950's Sci-Fi Computer", CR
    FOR idx = 1 TO 50 ' run about 5 seconds
    RANDOM freq ' create random note
    freq = freq // 2500 ' don't let note go to high
    FREQOUT Mix_Out, 50, freq ' play it
    PAUSE 100 ' short pause between notes
    DEBUG "Spaceship Transporter"
    FOR freq = 5 TO 5000 STEP 5 ' frequency sweep up
    FREQOUT Mix_Out, 10, freq, freq */ 323 ' simple chord (1st + 3rd)
    DEBUG " - with QV356 voice", CR
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_Volume, 3] ' lower volume for mix
    PAUSE 5
    qvData = _will_i_dream ' say word with sound
    GOSUB Say_Word
    FOR freq = 5000 TO 5 STEP 25 ' frequency sweep down
    FREQOUT Mix_Out, 10, freq ' single note
    INPUT Mix_Out ' float Stamp sound pin
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_MixOff] ' turn mixer off
    PAUSE 5
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_Volume, Std_Volume] ' reset volume
    PAUSE 5
    GOTO Main
    ' Subroutines
    ' ****************************************************
    ' Makes serial line an input and checks for Busy state
    ' -- this line will be low when not busy
    ' ****************************************************
    INPUT QV_SIO ' make comm an input
    IF QV_Busy THEN Wait_Until_Not_Busy ' wait until busy goes low
    ' ************************************
    ' Say a single word
    ' -- make sure QV356 is in Direct Mode
    ' before calling this routine
    ' ************************************
    GOSUB Wait_Until_Not_Busy
    IF (qvData > LastPhrase) THEN Say_Word_Exit ' say only valid words
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]qvData] ' say word
    ' **************************************
    ' Say a sentence
    ' -- point to sentence in EE with eeAddr
    ' -- limit is 40 words (no checking)
    ' **************************************
    GOSUB Wait_Until_Not_Busy
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_OpenStr] ' open string buffer
    PAUSE 5
    READ eeAddr, qvData ' read word from sentence data
    IF (qvData = $FF) THEN Play_Buffer ' sentence done?
    IF (qvData > LastPhrase) THEN Get_Word ' no -- is word valid?
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]qvData] ' yes, send word to buffer
    PAUSE 5
    eeAddr = eeAddr + 1 ' increment word address
    GOTO Get_Word ' get next word
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_CloseStr] ' close string buffer
    PAUSE 5
    SEROUT QV_SIO, N2400, [noparse][[/noparse]QV_PlayStr] ' play the buffer
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