3rd Party Programmers
Is there a comprehensive list of 3rd party programmers for the Scenix SX20?
The standard SXkey software does not support volume programming via a command line!!!!
Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 8/3/2005 10:26:07 PM GMT
The standard SXkey software does not support volume programming via a command line!!!!
Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 8/3/2005 10:26:07 PM GMT
One word: Google.
Yes, the SX Key is wonderful for debugging and prototypes, and low volume production. However, it does need a few high volume production features. Is it possible to make something similar like the Basic Stamp's OBJ exporter thing? That would be great and simple for production.
SX-Key + SX52 + Proto Board + SX-Key Software + Computer + USB to Serial Adapter + LED = Blinky LED!
You needn't contact Ubicom for the SX programming specification - I can give it to you upon request. This is not a problem.
BP Micro supports production programming of the SX, too.
At Parallax we use one SX to program another. You can use several SX-Keys and a couple of programming stations for medium-low volume.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
James Newton, Host of SXList.com
james at sxlist,com 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
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