RFID Reader
Two quick questions on the Parallax RFID reader.
1. What happens if more than one tag is within range of the reader?
2. What does the reader do if a single tag is left within range, will it
····· a. only report the id once
····· b.·repeat the id every x secs
1. What happens if more than one tag is within range of the reader?
2. What does the reader do if a single tag is left within range, will it
····· a. only report the id once
····· b.·repeat the id every x secs
Best Regards
Manuel C. Reinhard
·· Two tags will not be read at the same time...The field that powers the tags may power more than one, but if two try to respond, the data won't be valid, in which case you get a bad read.· As for repeats, that depends on your code.· Once the device is re-enabled it will re-read the tag if it's still there.· Typically you will bring the Enable line high after a read momentarily.· When it's low again, the RFID will start reading again.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I see the data sheet says multiple tags will cause collisions and confuse the reader. I was just curious what it would output, if anything.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thank you!
Best Regards
Manuel C. Reinhard
Best Regards
Manuel C. Reinhard
Every day I use two different RFID tags, one for the Washington DC metro the second to badge in and out of the Patent Office. Both of the systems maintains a good amount of security (especially the Patent Office, the metro still permits the use of temporary paper cards, though there is talk of banning these to keep better tabs on all commuters and therefore potential terrorists) and both of the RFID tags are read only for cost control purposes, the computers connected to the readers maintain all the nessesary data assiciated with the RFID tags.